@Holly I keep offering him bottles every 3-4 hours but he either takes the bottle and just keeps it in his mouth and let the milk dribble all out of his mouth or he cries as soon as the bottle enters the mouth or goes near it.. he has had 770ml all day from about 3 bottles today.. I just don’t know what to do as I know he may be hungry but just doesn’t want to drink.. Just wondering if it’s the milk , however he drank this milk draining the bottles the fast few days.. it’s like something clicked and changed 360 degrees..
My 5 month old did this for about 2 weeks and yesterday he just started drinking a ton again. For example, he only drank 20oz a few days ago. Today he has had 35oz of milk.
@Halle how many bottles on 20 oz ? And how often did he drank from the bottle and how much roughly ?
Doctors say if they drink less then half there usual amount over 24hrs then take them to the hospital. So I'd they usually have 30oz a day they have to drink 15oz or less in 24hrs. Main sign to look put for is if wet nappies decrease by a lot or doesn't have a wet nappy in 12hrs this is a sign of dehydration. However lots of things can cause fluctuation in feeding. Farting a lot could indicate a bit of an upset tummy. Do you pace feed? Have you tried regular tummy messages? Neocate can cause some abdominal upset after starting because it has barely anything in it to break down so there isn't a lot of waste and it can take some time for then to adjust to the formula? Have you tried infacol? It can help with tummy pains and cramps x
My daughter is 5 months and i formula fed from birth and she goes through phases of this usually with her i just keep offering her bottles to make sure she doesn’t get dehydrated and within a couple days she goes back to normal apart from today the last two days she did exactly this! She’s drank more today though