You are entering a whole world of a million potential issues I’m afraid! It’s unlikely that another ‘off the shelf’ formula will fix all those issues you have mentioned but it may be worth a try. There’s things you can explore like infacol/dentanox which helps bring up wind, Colief which reduces the lactose in formulas which can sometimes irritate babies stomached, different bottles and teats can help with reducing how much air they take in = less wind and then there’s the ‘specialised’ formulas which should only be tried under medical guidance (e.g after discussion and agreement from health visitor or GP) such as comfort formulas, reflux formulas and carabel which thickens formula to reduce reflux symptoms. Then if these things don’t work, a GP may want to explore potential intolerances and/or allergies and may look at prescription formulas. Honestly it can be a vast and exhausting journey but hopefully it doesn’t take you too long to find something that helps
Could be reflux, and/or a dairy allergy.
We used Kendamil x
I had similar symptoms with my daughter and she was put on specialist formula as they thought she had a dairy allergy. She didn't thank god so we slowly reintroduced a normal formula but used Hipp Organic instead of the previous ones.
@Naomi Did the GP prescribe the formula straight away or did you have to go through infant gaviscon first etc? We know lots of babies in this formula and it worked wonders for them!
@Sarah we were very lucky and the doctor also had a child with symptoms similar to my daughter so prescribed it straight away x I was very lucky as my friend had to fight for weeks for her doctor to take her seriously x
a lot of formulas actually have the same ingredients, it’s just branding that determines their worth and we never had a problem with mamia. if you’re concerned, just wait to see what the GP says, like someone above said there are a million potential reasons for these issues, they’re incredibly common and it could literally be anything xx
We use cow and gate x
Update: Spoke to a locum GP who actually listened! Nearly cried to her on the phone! She prescribed gaviscon to see how that goes and will be seeing her next week to see if there is an improvement. Have to say, the gaviscon has worked wonders and can already see a major difference. No major crying or leg pulling and hardly any sick. 🥹
@Sarah i had similar symptoms with my little boy and gaviscon made him so constipated😫 a lot of doctors don’t even consider cow and gate carobel as it’s more expensive to prescribe, but i did so much research and asked for it my little boy is thriving with it! i also give him gripe water with his night feeds to help with the pain, and i use aptamil first infant formula xxx
Same symptoms with my boy it was reflux and not the formula. We were prescribed infant Gaviscon also but it tends to cause constipation.
@elysia ahh I read it can make babies constipated and I’m dreading this!! My babies poo has been amazing so I’m dreading this tbh! The doctor mentioned about Carobel but if she becomes so constipated I’ll definitely ask if this can be prescribed! Thank you for this xx
Have you tried tummy massage to help get her wind up or out that can help alot, sounds like it could be a cow protein allergy possibly or reflux?