@Molly thank you he also have 20 minute cat naps during this time is this normal?
@Kaitlyn its totally possible. They're little weirdos and all have strange behavior during the witching hour. Mine just screamed bloody murder and wanted to be on the boob the entire time. Her witching hour was also 11pm-1am 🤣
@Molly that’s brutal. His is 7 till about 11 12 ish
Probably because 7pm is also too early as a bedtime for a 7 week old. Also yes infacol made my boy a lot worse if it is colic don’t think any bottles are really anti colic either x
@Amy what time would you recommend for a bed time? He seems to only want to go to sleep at 12am
@Kaitlyn for this age between 10-11 x
@Amy thank you i have actually since changed his bed time to about 10 and he seems a lot happier with it x
Welcome to the witching hour!!! You're not doing anything wrong and your baby doesn't have colic. Just settle in for a few weeks of crappy evenings! Get your dinners in advance, baby wear, soothers, walking outside in the stroller, sway, rock, swaddle, white noise, low stimulation. Grab a glass of wine and some noise canceling headphones...it'll pass soon enough!