Weight Issues

I took my baby to his 4 months appointment and they weighed him at 12lbs 7oz. I go back on the 10th next week to check on his weight. He was eating breastmilk an average 30oz a day. But since he isn’t where he should be weight wise, I was told to start purées and fortifying my milk. Well now he doesn’t really want to eat at all. He might get 24oz of breastmilk/formula. I’m stressing. He’s a happy baby and meeting all developmental milestones. How do I get him to eat more and gain weight? Ugh stressful
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Formula definitely has more calories if they are worried about weight maybe you should pump and try and feed him formula for the time being until doctors are happy!

My baby turned 5m on the first. Maybe a week after his 4m appt. He went from about 30oz a day to about 16-20oz. He was born 5lbs 6oz. He is now 14lbs 3 oz(about 2 weeks ago). He still doesn’t drink as much milk but he does rather eat food.

Is he not following his growth curve? How much did he weigh when he was born? My daughter was 4lbs 8 oz when she was born and now weighs about 10.5 lbs at 4.5 months. She also stayed eating a little bit less when I introduced rice cereal and oatmeal even though she barely eats any of that.

I fortified my milk the first 6 weeks of my babies life and it didn’t really do much for him lol after that I just decided to give him either BM bottles or formula bottles instead of mixing them. I have a pretty small baby too.. he’s just about to be 6 months on the 15th of February and he just weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces on January 29th.. his doctors don’t seem too worried about his weight as he’s been gaining since he was born but he is just a little guy.. 🤷🏽‍♀️😭 but I should say he is still only drinking about 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hrs ( besides nights because he sleeps a good 12-13 hrs at night) .. I offer 6 ounces and it’s a hit or miss if he drinks it.. I offer solids and he doesn’t seem too interested either but I continue to offer but never force..

@Lianna he was 7lbs 1oz when he was born. At 2 months he was 9lbs 15oz and at 4.5 months he was 12lbs 7oz. He’s gaining weight just not quickly enough I guess.

@Halle I think they usually want babies to double their birth weight by around 4 months. He's getting there! You're doing great!

I took my baby for her 4 month visit on the 30th of January & they said she was in the 1 percentile range at 10lbs 9.3oz. I was only feeding her about 4 times a day, sometimes 5 (whenever she showed signs of hunger [on demand]). It freaked me the hell out especially since her weight gain had been pretty regular from her birth (5lbs 9oz) to her two month check-up where she was about 9lbs 13oz & after that I had started breastfeeding exclusively. The dr first suggested to start supplementing again which kind of pissed me off because I’ve worked hard to get my supply up & my baby’s latching issues taken care of so I could just breast feed her. I guess he sensed my change in demeanor & then suggested to just try & get at least 8 feeds in a day. I’ve gotten to 7, I’m struggling to fit 1 more in. She’s healthy over all but the weight issue is really worrying me & I keep asking myself should I just go back to supplementing? Am I just being selfish? But it’s like can I even fit that in too?

One of my baby's check ups, they were concerned about weight, and scheduled us sooner to check his weight, my friend went through the same thing. They're meeting milestones, he eats and poops regularly and I just personally feel like they freaked me out for no reason.

@Mariah postpartum anxiety sucks enough… adding this to my list makes it worse.

@Chris I don’t mind supplementing but he still doesn’t want to eat. I just think some babies are tiny and mine is tiny. I’m 5’3” and weight 110lbs. I’m not a big human and I never have been. I think it’s genetics that are causing him to be little. I think I need another professional opinion.

I’ll just add that my baby went through a wee bit of a hunger strike around 4 months, mainly due to being too distracted by life. Ive heard this is quite common and it could be coinciding with that!

@Lisette yes! He is so distracted. That’s what I was thinking.

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