Day one. 3 hours between feeds- feed, wake window depending on age now 90 mins , sleep. Also making sure she gets a certain amount of calories according to her weight during the day ( formula feeding only). Napping sometimes at this age is a cat nap- but we try not to let her go through two cycles without one or she can be overtired.. She is very predictable especially once we figured out her bedtime- we change her into Jammie’s at her 5 feed so when it’s time for bedtime it’s very minimal movement, also you don’t neee to change their diaper every time. She now sleeps from 8:30-7 am, sometimes we have to go in with pacifier around 5 and rock for a few mins but she has been making it through the night for about 3 weeks now . She also self soothe and puts herself to sleep: Once we put her in nursery we all could sleep better. Literally day one. The above is good but that’s a long bedtime routine, but hey whatever works… we don’t bathe every night so that could be it
Swaddling also helps too. Basically following taking Cara babies like all our friends did and it has worked great for all of them- hoping by the time sleep training rolls around it will Be easy
With my first he sort of had a routine he fell into naturally by 2-3 months. With my second now almost 3 months I wish I could get him on a schedule where he actually stays down for a nap long enough for me to shower
The day he after he was born. It’s a loose schedule but it works for us. We get up at 630/7 feed and do diaper changes. We go to our play yard for tummy time in his diaper (so he can feel the floor and have some grip I promise our house is warm) we get him dressed read our stories work on his developmental stages right now it’s reaching and grabbing things and supported sitting. By then we’re ready for a second feed and some cuddles while mommy eats breakfast. By 830/9 he’s ready for a nap. When he wakes up we have a good feed and go on a long walk feed again and play a little before the next nap. Which usually lands around noon. When he wakes up we feed again then have some snuggle time or independent play until his next nap which we contact nap around 3 that’s usually his longest nap when he wakes up we start bath time routine and cuddle during dinner before feeding and putting to bed at 7
At around 1.5 months. He has to be up from his last nap by 7 PM at the latest. 3 oz bottle. Bath around 7:40-8 depending on when we woke up. Another 3 oz before going to sleep. He sleeps 7-11 hours straight with this routine
@Lauren do you have a pdf or any notes from Taking Cara Baby’s that you’d be willing to share?
@Stephany wow this sounds perfect! Thanks…