Did you bring your first born to hospital?

Unsure if to bring my firstborn to hospital to meet baby or do introductions at home. I think second sounds better but if I am in for more than a couple days I will miss him too much!
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I had my mom bring my 1yo to visit us in the hospital for about an hour the day after baby arrived. Firstborn got to see us, see the baby, have lunch.

I was in for a couple days, they told me I had to stay in an extra night due to blood loss and I cried so hard because I missed him😂 but my partner did bring him in the day I was leaving to meet baby

I left her home and it was lovely. She kept her routine, had grandma stay with her, got a present from the new baby. She was happy in her surroundings for the 3 days I was in hospital. She wouldn’t have liked being at the hospital, seeing me on a bed with a cannula in, seeing me wobbly recovering and generally knowing I’m “poorly” to her.

Fortunately I was discharged the same day however I got my mum to bring my 1 year old to the hospital to do first introductions and so we could leave the hospital as a family. Wouldn’t have changed it 🥰 but it totally depends on how your labour/recovery goes!

If you are going to be in the hospital for a few days then I would have someone bring them but if your hospital stay isn’t going to be long I would just do it at home.

We couldn’t because of COVID

My son came to visit me after school. I think it eased some of his anxiety as I wasn’t going to be home that night plus seeing his sister. They didn’t stay long.

My plan is just to judge it depending on how long we have to stay in hospital. If I can go home pretty soon after because the birth goes smoothly then I will probably wait until we're home, but if I have to stay overnight then I'll ask someone to bring her in.

Home, but I was home a few hours after having his brother and didn't stay overnight.

Had my second on the tail end of the pandemic so couldn't take my first. My oldest(7yrs, almost 4 when baby was born) still talks about me being gone to the hospital. My third they were allowed and they really seemed to like knowing where I was and not just worrying that I was suddenly gone for days and then back with a baby. It seemed an easier adjustment. I also made sure to focus on cuddling them when they came(dad and grandma held baby, except the short turns they had for pictures) so my toddler didn't feel replaced by the baby.

I was in hospital for a few days after birth. So I was desperate to see my 1st born and it was a special moment for us x

When my 4th was born he was nicu so brought my other 3 to see him in hospital ( not often) but when I had my 2nd and 3rd no I didn’t bring the older sibling in I induced them at home ( less stressful 🤣)

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