Elective C section @ QEQM

Can anyone tell me a timescale from arrival to having the section? Been told I'll be first depending on emergencies but trying to sort childcare. Thank you 😊 xx
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I am still in here after having mine i was told 7am on the for to be prepared and to sort out your gown canular etc and with my first I was first down and I had him at 10.40am with my second she’s now 2 weeks told I had her at 12.36 but usually they are fairly quick xx

Hey how far in advance did you get you c section date? X

We got there at 7am, I was the lowest risk out of the 3 so my daughter was born at 11:59am. We then left just after 12pm the next day as she had no issues x

I was there at 7am and in theatre by 09:02am. Baby born at 09:27 🤯. I was told I would be first and I was x

It really depends on how many emergencies they have as they take priority. When I was induced I over heard them saying they'd only done like 2 out of the 6 electives and it was 4pm at this point. They'd had back to back emergencies that day. I was the first emergency c section of the morning the next morning with baby born at 8:03am. Prepped by night team and cut open by day team

@Ella I got mine 17 days before x

Excellent, thank you, everyone. My partner is dropping me off, then dropping our daughter off, then coming back to me. Just didn't want him to miss the birth of our second daughter. I've been told I've been pencilled in and told the date, but the consultant yesterday said I'd now have a baby a week earlier, so the date could change. She said i should get the date 2 weeks before. X

He's driving a hour away so was a tad worried. X

I've also been told I could be in for 3 days, if I self discharged, all being well with baby as I have a 2 vessel cord, low papp-a and gestational diabetes, could they tell me no? We was only in one night with my daughter as everything was fine xx

I was told to get there at 7am, was told I’d be first, they ended up only having one open theatre & 3 emergencies and my little girl was born at 13:40 x

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