
I can't tell if maybe kids' birthdays just happen to not be yet, or my daughter just isn't getting invited 😟 I want to ask her teacher if she's noticed invites going out to other kids or not. More just to know if she's having trouble making friends at school. My daughter's birthday will be soon, we are wondering if we should throw a party and invite school friends or just focus on an activity for her and us. My husband is suggesting that we go all out for the Medieval Times, which I'm not against. I just feel bad not doing a party like she wants. But I also don't want to throw a party, and she feels bad because no one shows up 😭
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Hi! I get how you feel. For my son, it is not easy to socialize but besides his cousins, i know he has a few special friends at school. When he was younger and didnt tell much about school, I asked his teacher who were the kids he would play the most in class and that helped me. Have you tried making her do her guest list? I am convinced that for kids on the introverted side, us parenta have to make an effort to meet other moms (of her class perhaps) so the kids can be friends.

We have always done big and well attended "whole class" birthday parties. I'd say she got invited to 1-2 a year. I think less people are doing classmate parties honestly. We moved this school year and she hasn't been invited to a single classmate party in our new location. This year we are opting for a trip instead.

We just had my daughter’s birthday and we invited 16 kids and 10 showed up. At my daughter’s school you can’t send invites to school unless you invite the whole class. My daughter has been invited to 3 parties but we n kindergarten she was only invited to one. We did a whole class party in kindergarten and I felt like it was too much. My daughter doesn’t seem to care about birthdays unless kids are talking about them.

Birthday party planning is so difficult anymore. So many people these days have ‘social anxiety’ and I’ve seen far too many stories of people throwing parties and no one showing up. It’s really heartbreaking, especially for younger children. There also may be other factors like people don’t really have the money to bring a gift and feel bad about that and decide to decline.

Lead by example! Have a birthday party & invite your family too so that theirs plenty of people around.

@Ash, unfortunately, the majority of both sides of the family are in California. Both Northern & Southern. We are in Arizona. We really don't have family close by. I know grandparents will come, but aunts/uncles with kids never make the effort to come this way.

Where I live honestly, I spent $700 on a birthday party, invited all of my friends and their kids, kids from my son’s class, etc. 1 person showed up out of the 23 that RSVP’d. Idk if it’s an AZ thing but it bums me out and of course my kids bummed too that none of his little friends showed up

It gets me very sad to hear those stories of people not showing. Even though i have family here and i know that they will show, I also send a quick message/ reminder that the party will be in a few days. For exaple if party is on saturday, i will send a text on tuesday/wednesday. Most of the people not comming will let me know by them and i can make last minute arragements. I can also explain my kid who might be comming and who not and sometimes why. As a mom whose son dont get invited to many parties, I will always make my best effort to take him but if we cant go, I will let them know beforehand

We don’t really see a lot of parties at our school. How hold is your daughter turning?

We don't really do school birthday invites because we'd have to invite the entire class. We already have a large family and friend group outside of school so 20 extra invites would get expensive even if only a few showed up. My daughter is a social butterfly and have only had 1 invitation all year. I think a lot of parents feel the same as I do.

@Samantha she's turning 8

@LaToya She's at a new school this year and so far has gotten 1 invite before Christmas. I asked her teacher if the kids' birthdays just happen to be closer to the end of the year, and apparently, she doesn't pay attention or do anything special for birthdays. My daughter talks about a good number of kids she's made friends with so far. Unfortunately all all our family is out of state, and the aunts/uncles with kids don't make much of an effort to come out this way. You know, it's my fault for moving to where we could afford lol soo I kinda rely on school friends. I've been trying to make friends on here and do stuff but not a whole lot of luck yet.

People aren’t really doing parties and inviting the class anymore. My step daughter had it but only a few students came out of 20. Parents in my daughter class usually send goodie bags home and the teacher celebrates at the end of day before bell rings

@Nai we talked to her teacher, she doesn't pay attention to birthdays nor does she do anything for them

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