Not to argue, genuinely curious what most women think…

Breast is best- Unless mother/baby has health issues that make it an impossible option Fed is best- Even if breastfeeding is possible/ mother just doesn’t want to
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Not breastfeeding because you don't want to is valid enough. It's hard, and some don't want to deal with it, and that's okay. We have that right as women to breastfeed or not

Fed is best I am an exclusive breastfeeding momma but fully support any decision a family makes in regards to feeding their little.

For those that believe “fed is best,” what do you say to defend it when people say that fed is the bare minimum? I’m recently hearing so much about breastmilk being more beneficial for mothers and babies compared to other food sources. I just want to have a conversation since this is a common topic between my cousin and I who (respectfully) feed our babies differently.

Personally I refuse to get into it. Mothers are still able to form a bond with babe regardless of how they feed. I had a friend argue that it was better for mom’s mental well being to BF, I’ve exclusively nursed two babies and both times suffered ppd and ppa 🤷‍♀️ I just tell others their opinion is theirs and that’s okay. It’s not worth the fight.

I do believe fed is best. I did breastfeed all 3 of my kids but my youngest was only breastfed for 6 months as I could not produce enough milk because I had to go back to work and I couldn’t keep up with him! I don’t think any mother should be bullied or judged for formula feeding. As long as your child is fed and healthy that’s all that matters! Shouldn’t even be a debate tbh

Breast may be best for you and yours but fed is best is best for everyone regardless - from a pretty exclusively breastfed mama (little to no pumping)

Fed is a bare minimum requirement to staying alive. There are a plethora of reasons a woman might not breastfeed and that’s fine but it doesn’t change the fact that formula will never be as good as breastmilk.

Fed is best. Couldn’t give a shit how someone feeds their kid as long as they’re fed. People who obsess over this are weird as hell.

I believe in both. Breast is best but so is mental health. Either way you choose. It’s best for you and baby regardless.

Breastfed is scientifically nutritionally ‘best’ but in reality fed is best as there a whole host of other mental and physical factors to take into consideration.

Fed is best because the most important thing is that baby is healthy and fed. Breast milk has more health benefits than formula on its own but milk is not the only thing that determines a baby’s health. Sometimes I feel like people treat it like a contest comparing the two and trying to justify their decisions or attack others. It only matters that baby is healthy, whether that is achieved through formula or breast milk is irrelevant to me.

I don’t personally care about what anyone else does with their children . Breast is best for me & I commit to nursing on demand for a minimum of 2 years with each of my children for its benefits . & exclusively for the 1st year of life, my littles dont even drink water or any other liquid until they’re 1. This is one area lol that I’m in agreement with, with essentially all major health organizations worldwide 🫠Obviously if I weren’t able to nurse for whatever reason I mean lol I wouldn’t want a dead baby soooooo they’d need to be fed in some other manner as I would have no other alternative really ... but For me I read up a lot on nursing prior to having my babies, I’m very natural oriented and was very clear on what I wanted for each of my children. I sought out support when I needed it consistently which i know is responsible for my continuing on with it in the long term and I have succeeded in doing what I set out to do in this particular area 💕💕 I’m utterly pleased with mli

Fed is best I tried to breastfeed wasn’t producing enough couldn’t build enough of a stash and go to school and was crying cause it was so hard and draining which is stuff people don’t tell you. I felt like after I stopped listening to people about breastmilk being better I was a better mama because I wasn’t so mentally and physically exhausted

Breast milk does have benefits that formula does not have, that's just a fact. But that does not mean formula is lacking anything, it has everything baby needs. "Breast is best" has been used to pressure or shame mothers who do not breastfeed. Those moms started responding with "Fed is best", to alleviate that unnecessary mom guilt and to spread the word that there is nothing wrong with formula feeding. Unfortunately some moms adopted the term when referring to feeding their older children unhealthy meals, which is when "Fed is the bare minimum" started to come into the conversation. If someone is saying "Fed is the bare minimum" about formula feeding I would remind them that is not how that phrase was intended to be used. Formula feeding is not low effort nor is it poor quality. Some people have their minds made up tho, just ignore anyone who attempts to make you feel bad for how you choose to feed your baby.

I breast fed for 3 and a half months then my boy got thrush and passed it on to my nipples, we went to the dr every week as nothing was clearing it, i was in agony every time he latched it felt like shards of glass where cutting up my nipples every time he sucked ans i was in tears feesing him, i could clear my thrush but he would just re-infect me, we tried nipple gards but he refused them, we eventually found a bottle he would take to try and supplement some of the feeds but eventually i stopped producing as much milk, it took another 3 months to clear his thrush i had to change to formula for my benifit and hos we where both miserable. Although breasts have extra benefits, there's no point in a monther having to suffer or go through mental strain just to try breastfeeding Happy mothers best and can look after the child. So fed is best

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“Fed is bare minimum” is such an anti-mother thing to say. Implies the mother is doing a bad job simply for not breastfeeding - I guarantee most formula moms are doing so much more than bare minimum. Im a huge advocate for breastfeeding but I support mamas regardless of how they feed. Breast is ideal, formula also allow babies to thrive

Breastmilk is nutritionally ‘best’ but what is actually ‘best’ for a family comes down to so many more factors than just nutritional content drop for drop. Which is why this is always going to be a never ending argument that actually doesn’t need to happen.

Fed is best. My first has breast milk through a tube because she was severely prem she had that for two weeks; she wouldn’t latch either after that so bottle fed on demand. My second I wasn’t even trying with just bottle fed him as well and he was nearly overdue. I don’t defend my decisions because my decision is valid enough without having to justify it to anybody; I formed amazing bonds with both my babies without breastfeeding x

Breast is best, but that doesn't mean it's bad to formula feed at all. Lots of reasons people don't breastfeed and that's totally okay - I couldn't breast feed at all. But there's no denying that breast milk, is scientifically better than formula.

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