We were told they will cluster feed during growth spurts. Mine did that at like 2 months for like 2-3days and then went kind of back to normal. But, you can caall your pediatrician to discuss further just in case.
Depends on her age. Cluster feeding is normal in the early weeks and also during leaps
Just over one week
Sounds like she is cluster feeding. It can be very draining both physically and mentally. But know that it will pass. Just try to sleep when you can. If she can’t be put down then wear her for a bit when she just fell asleep for about 10 minutes, the. Try swaddling her as well, I always find that helps a lot. Eat when you, drink lots of water, and get some help. When she’s awake, get someone to be with her, do tummy time and you can go shower, eat or even nap - because she’s gonna want to cluster feeding again.
How old is she ?