Baby’s tummy pains

Hi! I really need some advice… My baby is 4 weeks and 3 days old. He definitely struggles to poo, he brings his wind up and is farting a lot but I can see that he is pushing and lifting his legs then sometimes he will cry as if he’s in pain when trying to push. He is on kendamil infant milk and I have been debating changing his milk to the kendamil comfort or organic milk but I’m really not sure. He has been like this for almost 2 weeks, I just went to help take that pain away for him😩 Anyone had anything similar and did you find something that worked for your little one? I tried infacol as I wasn’t sure it it was the trapped wind that was hurting him but he is fine at bringing his wind up.. I spoke to my HV on Monday who told me to keep giving him the infacol for a week and then see how he is but he is just the same. She advised me not to change his milk yet but as a first time mum I’m really not sure what’s right or wrong to do by my little baby, I have gripe water but I’m really scared to use this as I have seen so many people say their babies have choked on this and that terrifies me.. I bought some dentinox colic drops which says it is for gentle relief of wind and griping pain (which seems very similar to what gripe water is) and I can put this in baby’s bottle which I feel safer doing.. I also bought colief infant drops but I’m not sure he needs that?
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Hi my baby is the same now is 3 months old and we are doing a lot of massages on is belly like I love massage try to Google it. Xx

Dentinox is great! Way better than infacol for my girl. Unfortunately what you describe is pretty normal though, babies really have to learn how to work their digestive systems and it can take time but it will ease

@Lauryn I’ve literally just gave him them dentinox colic drops in his bottle and right after he did a massive poo all up his back, I had to bin his white vest😂 and he was instantly relieved and more relaxed, even let me put his cardigan on and into the car whilst asleep, so I’m hoping that really helped him and it wasn’t just a coincidence x

@Maria Grazia I will have a look thank you lovely xx

Yay! They made it much easier for my girl too 😊

@Hannah I think it is like this tbh, I’ll have to have a look at ways I can help him x

my baby did it quite a bit before, however he’s just turned 6.5 weeks and he’s doing it so much less, maybe once a week or so, so he’s defo growing out of it. hopefully won’t last long for you either! xxx

My baby had it too, there isn’t much you can do other than tummy rubs, warm baths, bicycle legs etc. they do grow out of it so don’t worry too much

@Hannah did you try anything? A lot of people have said to try BioGaia protectics drops so unsure whether to try this x

i tried infacol at first but that didn’t help so i’ve stopped that. the only thing i’ve really done is making sure i’m doing bicycle kicks first thing every morning. when he is straining and crying i just rub his back until he’s okay. it’s hard not being able to do much when you can see they’re in discomfort 🥲

What does he poo look like when he passes it is there mucous in it?

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