Bleeding after c section

I had my baby 11 days ago, and I stopped bleeding maybe 7 days in a couple days ago I started bleeding again after I lifted my toddler , it’s pretty heavy right now, I can literally feel the blood leaking out of me . I don’t have pain but it is a decent amount of blood, should I be worried?
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I bled for about 2 months off and on

I had similar happen to me was told it was normal but would still talk to your GP or midwife if the bleeding is really heavy

I'm still bleeding and I'm three weeks in from my section! It got lighter at one point where I thought it was stopping, but then has started getting more bright red in colour. I'm assuming it's normal!

I bled on and off for 4 weeks!

I bled for over a month almost 2 months but then I got rhe depo shot at my 6 week check up and now nothing

This happened to me as there was still some tissue left inside. They were going to do another surgery to remove it but it passed on its own. I’d recommend you get them to scan you and don’t assume it’s normal

That’s a reason why they say don’t lift anything heavier than your newborn. Because you can cause more bleeding and damage. I wouldn’t worry but try not to lift your toddler again

I bled for 2 weeks straight, then it stopped for 2 weeks, then came back supppper heavy for about 1 week. Take your time and try rest as much as possible 💗

Monitor the bleeding any go into ER if you’re soaking an entire pad in an hour or less! I’m a postpartum nurse and that’s what I tell my patients. It’s also totally normal for bleeding to pick up the more activity you’re doing. It’s your body’s way of telling you to slow down and rest. But if you’re ever unsure or feeling lightheaded and off just call your OB.. better to be safe than sorry. Congratulations and take care of yourself!

I bled for 5 weeks stopped for a week then started again. Second bleed was a lot heavier

I didn’t have a c section but after lifting my daughters car seat same thing happen. Just take it easy let your body heal.

I bled for 9 weeks after my c section, you’re not meant to be lifting anything heavier then your baby for 6 weeks. Don’t lift your toddler again!

I bled for 6 months after my section odd day would be lighter then heavy again

You shouldn't lift anything heavier then your baby. You've had major abdominal surgery. I bled for 6 weeks after.

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