I’m only 6 weeks into breastfeeding and my boobs are already like empty socks😭 but I don’t regret my decision as it’s amazing seeing your baby grow from you. Plus my boobs grew so much they were never going to go back to what they use to be x
Mine didn't really change after feeding my first (I was 26 then, now 28 and feeding my second). I honestly wouldn't worry about it! You will learn to love any changes to your body in time especially when you think that your body has given you your baby ❤️ The bond from breastfeeding is honestly magical and it's so rewarding knowing all of the good you are doing them! I had a really tough time with it with my first as he was bit poorly when he was born so we had a rough start, ended up having to introduce formula at the very start and I had to fully stop BF when he was 4 months old. It's been very different with my second, had a bit of a sore start as he had a tongue tie but he's now 4 months old and still exclusively breastfed ❤️ All that being said, don't put too much pressure on yourself! Not everyone is able for a variety of reasons and at the end of the day as long as baby is fed that's all that really matters ❤️ Best of luck to you! X
@Toya thank you for your honesty 😂i know i wont regret it once ive done it and ive always wanted to as well as i was told i couldn’t have children due to previous cancer treatment so i want to do absolutely everything i can to experience motherhood etc. I think im maybe just getting in my own head🥲Thank you for your comment 🩷
I got saggy boobs after losing a pregnancy at 16 weeks. So I second what @ellie 🤍 said, it’s pregnancy not breastfeeding! Mine are definitely lower than they were, but after 13 months breastfeeding they are still “full” (and I’m 39 if that offers additional comfort!) I wouldn’t change a thing x
I've had 5 kids now and only while feeding as you described at times yes but after my 4 kids they where back to normal and I'm bf right now my little guy will be 3 months the 12th December everyone is different but just because you are not bf doesn't mean they still won't turn out this way .. after birth our bodies change lots there is exercises you can do check out YouTube
my boobs are still huge after breastfeeding tbh. they are a bit saggy ngl but they don’t feel like empty sacks. no matter what they will probably change from pregnancy in some way. i honestly wouldn’t worry, it’s pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things
pregnancy makes boobs saggy not breastfeeding. pregnancy gives you more breast tissue to prepare to breast feed then can get saggy if you dont bf or when you stop