Mine was the best experience ever with my first! Having another next week. So calm and relaxing and everyone’s so lovely. Good luck and keep on top of meds even if you feel fine, it’ll bite you in the bum if not!!
Hey csection buddy. Got mine tomorrow too! Mine was absolutely fine the first time. Had a wonderful team that was reassuring with anything so fingers crossed yours is tomorrow. Im here if you wanna message for any what reason about healing or that. Good luck for tomorrow ☺️
@Kerry Managed to get a couple of hours, massive good luck for today!!
Hiya, firstly good luck your gonna be fine! I was electing but ended up requiring an emergency c section at 33 plus 3. Even though it was classed as an emergency the whole experience was great, everyone in the theatre was so lovely, I have health anxiety and asked them all a million questions, everyone was so friendly, the injection & spinal did not hurt at all, I was expecting to feel a lot of discomfort in them trying to get baby out, it was a strange sensation and I could feel pulling but this was not painful & wasn’t even uncomfortable. Near the beginning I felt quite sick, I told the anaesthetist & within 30 seconds she had put something into my Canula and I felt absolutely fine! The whole operation was done in about 45 mins and it went so quickly, one of the theatre staff offered to take pictures so ask them if that’s possible! I was worried about feeling numb but again an odd sensation but nothing terrible! I really recommend staying on top of paracetamol and ibuprofen
I’m 3 weeks post section now and sometimes need the odd one as it can be quite tender. No one prepared me for how much my boobs were going to hurt, that was worse than the section for me, if your not going to breastfeed then wear breast pads and a tight sports bra and do not touch them! By day 7 ish they will start feeling much better! Sometimes the postnatal wards can be crap with giving you medication on time so set alarms on your phone for when you are due and remind them! Take some snacks with you as hospital food is also crap. Highly recommend you ask for lactulose whilst in the hospital and take some home with you and even if you think you don’t need it continue to take it for a while! The recovery isn’t easy, especially trying to sleep but hopefully you have some support and if people offer to watch baby whilst you sleep, or make you dinner/do your washing then do it! I stopped bleeding after a week (only had very light less that a period) then 10 days later my bleeding
Is very on and off, still light though, apparently this can be normal for 6-& weeks. If you have a pregnancy pillow take it to the hospital. Let us know how you get on xxx
Good luck! I had a really good experience with my last. Best thing I did was when they are giving you pain relief ask for peppermint capsules too, I didn’t get the trapped wind that can be quite painful as I kept on top of these 😊
Good luck xx
I dont but good luck!