@Chelsie it’s strange isn’t it. Weird that nighttime plays a role. My boy will literally burp straight away, sometimes we don’t even have to wind him so he has no issues but it’s just the bottom end he gets in pain with. The nights are killing me because I’m having to try put him down to then pick him up and then get him back to sleep 4/5 times before I’m successful. It’s horrible seeing them in pain
It’s very normal. Basically they have to learn to let gas out which they don’t know how to do properly yet. They need to learn how to tense one part and relax everything else but when they get trapped wind they tense everything which means the gas can’t pass. They’ll naturally have more trapped wind in the early hours of the morning because they’ve been still, on their back and any milk given before bed that’s still being digested won’t be moved around as much so sits and can let off additional gasses. The scrunchy legs are just him trying to help move the gas out. It should naturally get easier over the next few weeks as he gets a bit more control of his body. Doing some tummy massage before bed might help.
@Hope ah ok, this makes sense! Thank you. The other week I did consider that it was just because he didn’t like it and it was still all new but he definitely seems in pain. I do move his legs and hips and give him belly massages day and night but I can’t say I’ve noticed it making a difference to him, but maybe it would be worse if I wasn’t doing this
I could have written this post! I’m having this exact issue and have for several weeks now (he’s 11weeks). This week has been pretty bad as after 4am on wed morning and 2.30am yesterday morning I couldn’t get him back in his cot as he immediately started straining and pulling up his legs and crying. Attempting to get him back down again now 🙈 have tried to cosleep but because he should still be on his back it doesn’t help. So hard isn’t it!
Having trouble with my 8 week old with pain from gas. Seems to vary as to when it’s bad. But at night time he is very fidgety and I pick him up and he will burp or fart and then be happy again, seems to build up through the night from him lying on his back.