How long did you or planning to exclusively breastfeed your baby?

No judgement here! Just want to hear everyone choice and story!
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Planned a year in my head for baby 1, made it to 4 months. Aiming for a realistic 3-6 months for baby 2 without pressuring myself.

My goal has always been a year. She’s 10 months and honestly I’m counting down the days. It’s been exhausting

To be honest, my daughter is already weaning herself at 9 months. I think it’s reasonable to go up to 2 years, but I fully expect my child to have weaned herself completely very soon, just because she is wayyy more interested in food. But every child is different. My daughter has hit nearly all of her milestones early. Some children bloom later. I think breastfeeding beyond 2 years is a big *no-no*, but up to 2 years is reasonable if that is what your child needs/wants to create a secure attachment.

Plan had always been going for as long as my body allowed & my child desires. We started babyled weaning as soon as my son showed interest in food, but we’re allowing self weaning from breast feeding.

I breastfed my first for 16 months with solids and some oat and cows milk at the end. We had to wean because I got pregnant. I plan to go 2 years with my new little one unless something happens that I have to stop again

Planned for 6 months with first, didn't got milk and baby was hungry for 2 weeks, second I didn't have emotional stability to breastfeed, made it 2 weeks. 3rd I managed 1 month somehow. With 3rd 5 full months EBF but I will introduce formula from 6months and slowly give only that I need my freedom back 😁

I went to 3 1/2 yrs with my oldest and 2 yrs with my youngest.

Until she weaned on her own but I got pregnant so we breastfed for 2.5 years

I stopped at 18 months because my daughter became demanding over them and would LOSE her mind when i was like ok were done dude lol. as well as I'm currently pregnant and wanted a break before baby 2 comes.

Planned for 6 months. I'm 9 months in and will look to stop at a year I think.

i’ve planned to breastfeed only until my baby turned 1 but now it’s passed that i don’t think she’ll let me stop any time soon 🤣

I sort of thought I’d try for a year. Ended up stopping when my son was 22 months. He day weaned on his own around 13 months, and I night weaned him at 17 months so it was just the sleep related feeds that lasted until 22 months. I’m 23 weeks pregnant with my second and not sure I can see myself nursing that long again with this baby. We’ll just have to see how it goes. Pumping at work is a pain as well - plus I used to pump on my drive to work too!

I planned to just give it a good go, I ended up breastfeeding for nearly 4 years when she self weaned.

I hoped to reach a year, she’s now 14 months and we’re still going 🫠 slowly trying to mix bottles with half breast milk and half cows milk to try and wean her off

Planned a year did 15 months

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15mo and still going. Ideally I'd like to naturally wean but I am considering possibly weaning at 18mo as I'm exhausted.

Planned to give it a go and see what happened. All went tits up 1-2 weeks in. No regrets.

13 months and I was very happy with that. Stopped as he had lots of allergies which made my (already limited as celiac) diet very restrictive.

I wanted to breastfeed for at least one year, going on 22mo of breastfeeding and I’m about ready to be done with it lol

I planned for six months and then to start weaning off but she won’t take a bottle so 8 months and still going!

@Michelle genuinely not trying to stir anything up, but why do you consider after 2 years a 'big no-no?'

Currently 2 years (25 months) in with no end in sight 🙃 only feeding before bedtime though, and some naps. That sort of happened naturally as he ate more solids, I didn’t consciously/intentionally “day wean”. My initial goal was a year. I’m honestly kind of over it & if he self weaned tomorrow I’d be thrilled lol, but I’m not going to forcefully wean & will wait until he’s ready (within reason).

Aiming for a year minimum, after that I’ll see how we both feel

19 months for my first, for my second m I’m still still BF at 15 months. Had no real plan of how long for either I was surprised to even make it past the first 4 months, but it’s been a amazing journey especially 2nd time round with knowing what to expect and it works well for our family.

3 years with my eldest and still going with 13 month old :) natural weaning x

I said a year... now I think 2, but I plan to give her cow's milk during the day from 1 year and just breastfeed before bed and maybe in the mornings for a while while she gets used to it

Within 2 years as the creator said in the quran in many places "And mothers shall nurse their children for two whole years—for whoever wants to complete the nursing period. And it is the duty of the father of the infant to provide for themand clothe them in accordance with what is fair. No self shall be tasked beyond its capacity. No mother should be harmed on account of her child, nor any father of an infant on account of his child. And the same duty rests upon the heir. And if they both want weaning, by mutual consent and consultation, then no sin is committed by them. And if youwantto seek nursing for your children, then no sin is committed by you as long as you give(them) what you have brought in accordance with what is fair. And be mindful of Allah, and know that Allah is indeed All-Seeing of what you do"2:231

Also" And We have enjoined upon man the care of his parents. His mother carried him with hardship upon hardship, besides weaning him in two years. So givethanks to Me and to your parents; to Me is the destiny. 31:14 And there is another one where the whole pregnancy and breastfeeding around 30 months Also "And We have enjoined upon man excelling in showing kindness to his parents; his mother carried him with difficulty and delivered him with difficulty; his carriage and weaning are thirty months. Until, when he has attained his full strength and has reached forty years, he says, “Lord, enable me to appreciate the blessings with which You have blessed me and my parents, and to do righteousness that well pleases You, and grant me righteousness in my offspring. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed I am of the Muslims.” 46:15

I could never EBF because her latch wasn't great, but she had majority breastmilk (either at the breast or in a bottle) for her diet until 6 months. We had to start supplementing formula around 3 months, and at the 6-7 month mark, formula became about 50/50, and by 9 months my supply was gone. My goal was 6 months and I'm glad I made it, and if my supply hadn't left we would've gone to 12-18 months depending on how she weaned. She started weaning herself off breast at 6 months too which is probably why my supply tanked.

I’d planned for 6 months but still going at 9 months. Wanting to wean but he won’t take a bottle. I’m back to work in 2 weeks so we will see how it goes! Definitely not going beyond a year

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I had planned to a year but we are at 19 months. I’m 16 weeks pregnant with my second so ideally I will try fully weaning after the new year as I do not want to BF 2 at the same time. She is “mostly” day weaned and we do cows milk and plenty of snacks, but it’s getting through the sleep and evenings that’s hard for us! Not sure how we will do this but I don’t see her self weaning anytime soon so I’ll need to try!

Planned for 2+ years but had to stop at 16 months due to being sick with a high fever for a few days. I couldn’t even move off of my couch. I was devastated

My son just weaned himself after 2 years 8 months

Planned for 2years but did 20months due to second pregnancy.

I pump. My original plan was 6 months. I got to 6 months and decided I'd go to 12. I'm now 8 months in and I'm considering going to 2 years.

I had planned 3 months, but then at 3 months I had finally gotten into the swing of things so I decided 6 months, but then at 6 months I figured I could make it to a year! I'm at 11.5 months and so ready to be done tbh (I love the bonding, but she's been biting HARD and it's gotten stressful and I feel like she's ready to be done too lol)

I stopped at 14 months once she started biting me and i went back to work

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