@Lauren after 5-6 PM he rarely seems content on the boob and gives hunger cues which is quite confusing. So we assume given afternoon-early evening flow is slower, he’s not getting as much as he wants
It’s really confusing to me because hungry cues are the same as over fed / reflux / gas cues. It could be he’s got a little bit of trapped wind, that’s exactly what my girl does after expressed milk if she didn’t bring up all her burp or if I gave her too much. You could try pace feeding or giving him a little bit less, maybe 10-20mL less?
Arching his back can be trapped wind and when giving a bottle they tend to get more wind than the breast. You could try giving a little bit of infacol before the bottle which helps. Or just some good burping routines x
To me I’d say it doesn’t look like attempting to turn or roll, it looks like he’s arching his back which could indicate discomfort, whether that’s needing to burp, feeling full, having trapped wind or needing to poo.. it’s a bit of a guessing game! I wouldn’t be concerned about him turning or rolling just yet x
Not sure about the turning but I find if my LB is fussing and continuing on my breast he sometimes takes more than needed which causes him to spit up, maybe the case for him if you are giving him expressed on top of breast? Just a thought xx