We're giving my son the maximum dose of pepcid now. Nothing else was working
May I ask what symptoms you ladies are experiencing?
@Brittany fussiness/crying, excessive spit up, back arching, constant gas, frequent waking due to gas, gagging/choking, and wasn't gaining enough weight. (He also has a milk protein intolerance, and would projectile vomit when given regular formula) Since starting max dose pepcid and switching to dairy free diet and hypoallergenic formula, he's starting to gain more weight and he's sleeping SO much better
Yes, and it's bad, I feed her 2 ounces at a time and she throws up about 1 whole ounce of it every single time. I've tried holding her up for 30+ minutes after eating, I've tried feeding her less frequently, I've even tried feeding her smaller amounts more frequently, and of course, burping her every ounce. Also, she's already on a broken-down formula (Alimentum). Nothing seems to work whatsoever though, and it's getting worse, so I'm at a loss too.
We are pacing feeds, with multiple burp breaks. We also keep him upright for 15-20 minutes after each feed. Mylicon and colic calm have also helped quite a bit for days when the reflux is particularly bad.
@Kelsey yes totally experiencing these same symptoms 😭 ugh! Just starting a dairy free diet but she hasn’t started a formula yet - exclusively pumping so I’m hoping we see somewhat of a difference
@Iryanna it’s honestly so awful 😭 what does the pediatrician say since she’s already on a broken down formula?
@MK 😭 if you don’t mind me asking, is he breastfed or formula? I tried supplementing goat formula and it was worse for us
@Brittany he gets breast milk in bottles so unfortunately I don't have any advice about alternate formulas 🥺
Try to feed him 1 ounce at a time and burp him. I think it’s called pace feeding. I just started with my son and it’s a huge difference and puts him to sleep faster and more comfortable
I’m right there with you 🙁 following this thread for more tips