Last breastfeed

And with that our breastfeeding journey has come to an end, today marks our last feed at just over 1 year year. My initial goal was to just give it a go and see how I get on, I think I was extremely lucky that Ada took to it straight away and the help and support from the midwives, and the breastfeeding support team I got through the first few weeks which then turned to months and I said my next goal would be 6 months which came by & at this point I did have a wobble because Ada began to refuse feeding in public which got me anxious about it and I thought our journey was over but I persevered and have managed to get to 1 year. I am so incredibly proud of myself and Ada for the patience. It's been one hell of a ride of highs and lows, whilst I feel quite sad this journey has ended I am happy that I've been able to do this for Ada.
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How have you managed to stop! I think I’m ready as baby is using me for comfort - ALOT! X

My LO had switched from on demand feeding to quite structured feeding around the 8-9 month mark which then meant I could drop a feed at a time started with her afternoon feed which at the time I did a straight switch to formula which became 50/50 cows milk/formula the week before she turned 1 then straight cows milk at 1. Around this time i dropped the morning feed altogether and switched to a snack. So I was left with wake up feed, lre naps and bedtime. So next up we bit the bullet and did the hardest one (bedtime) but my partner did this one and gave a bottle at bed. Then she just lost interest in the other feeds so morning got switched to a bottle then the last feed to go was her lunch nap of which she fed for 2 mins today and that was it. Overnight I've just offered comfort instead and if she really wants milk she gets cows milk in a bottle now, the last 2 nights she's accepted just a cuddle.

It feels like I've been weaning for a while and I probably have but dragging it out..I saw a health visitor last week for some support about it because our sleep had got horrendous surrounding breastfeeding as well and she said to just stop altogether but I didn't want mastitis so I've taken this last week to drop the feeds quicker but not too drastically and to be honest my little girl prefers the bottle now and she's happy.

Congratulations on getting this far 🥰

Well done!! 🩷 I stopped 2 months ago and im so happy to have my body back, but also miss it sometimes.


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