Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
My husband told me these were no longer in effect. I did my own looking around, and getting mixed answers. Does anyone know fersure if we are going to be losing these benefits? If so can we still finish out this month with these benefits?
How do you wait the 2 weeks before being able to test???? I am rocking back and forth and the only thought of the WAIT. I’m only 5 DPO (I think) and I keep testing like something is gonna show 😭 I am even feeling off but could be I’m caching something 😭🤣 trying to stay strongggg
just curious bc we’ve been thinking about trying for baby #2 this year, and I really want to give birth in the spring/early summer so conceive during late summer
Scientifically... if a man ejaculates lets say mid day and again evening...is the second time around mean the sperm is low quality when TTC?
What dpo did people get their BFP? Currently 7dpo debating whether to test tomorrow morning! Only symptoms is more cm then normal and slight cramping on and off
That while I’m putting the baby to bed that you pick up and organize the toys and maybe clean the kitchen so when I come out I can relax and chill instead of spending 15-45m Doing it.? Like ughhhhhhh I’m so annoyed. I’m so sick of doing it all myself when I’m suppose to have a partner that helps. Instead they sit on...
Has anyone or plans to do any pregnancy groups? Is so which ones and would you recommend them? Thanks!
Does anyone have any positive HSG stories? My HSG will be next month and I’m absolutely petrified, all I’ve seen is negative videos about the pain. What has everyone’s experiences been? And did you manage to conceive after the HSG test? I’ve read that it can better your chances to conceive if your tubes are clear. ...
Hi we are just about to start ttc our 2nd, I was just looking to see if anyone had any hints or tips to help
This might be a super stupid question but, we have been told that my other half should have abstained from ejaculating for between 3 and 4 days before egg retrieval, which is fine, but how will we know when that will be? What if he hasn't ejaculated enough time in advance when we get given our ER date?
I got given a diagnosis of PCOS today. The doctor basically told me there is nothing he or I can do to help as I am currently trying for a baby. He said to go to my GP after a year of trying to be referred to the fertility team. Does anyone have any advice to help get pregnant or manage symptoms? My main symptom...
We have been ttc for a year now and still nothing. I feel like I've tried all the methods.. we haven't had sex whilst on my period before but have this week, does anyone know if it's possible to fall pregnant? Or can anyone recommend a method that they tried that worked for them please? I just feel so worthless an...
Feel awful just snapped at my partner for accidentally dropping an egg, I apologised straight away and we are fine but have no idea where it came from and I feel so bad and guilty! His poor face 😢 😔 also due my period tomorrow so not sure if that's contributed
I’m 34 just starting my TTC journey. Our first cycle didn’t take. Now I’m wondering how long it took everyone to conceive? It’d be helpful if you could include your age, as I know that matters a lot
Anyone else having to do these every day?! 😢
It been almost 2 years, he doesn't like sex toys, he older now 50's and he's doesn't like to talk about it
Been trying ttc for 6 months now, no luck, everyone says when you relax or “forget about it” it happens… i’ve tried to relax i.e no early testing etc but how do you stop trying how do you let it just happen? i feel the time in the month you can get preg is so limited that not tracking or trying on those days just li...
What is normal blood pressure?
I am pregnant with my second boy and already thinking about wanting a third to try for a girl…. But keep thinking about if I have that third boy lol………
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