Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
It been almost 2 years, he doesn't like sex toys, he older now 50's and he's doesn't like to talk about it
Been trying ttc for 6 months now, no luck, everyone says when you relax or “forget about it” it happens… i’ve tried to relax i.e no early testing etc but how do you stop trying how do you let it just happen? i feel the time in the month you can get preg is so limited that not tracking or trying on those days just li...
What is normal blood pressure?
I am pregnant with my second boy and already thinking about wanting a third to try for a girl…. But keep thinking about if I have that third boy lol………
If your option isn’t listed, share your situation in the comments!
My lining is good and follicle 19mm so they’re happy but I just feel like it’s way too early in cycle and I’ve read lots of conflicting evidence about trigger too early or late 😩 supposed to do it today and the clocks ticking please anyone share their experiences good or bad
I'm 4 months in to ttc baby #2. Every month my luteal phase gets a day shorter. Today my period has started at 11 DPO. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to feel defeated. I got pregnant so fast with my first so this feeling is so unfamiliar to me and I just don't know how to go in to the next month with optim...
Is 6dpo too early to test?
I’ve started to think that I would love another baby, my little one is 16 months now. Wondering if anyone can share any experience of having a second child & the age gap? I guess I’m nervous how I will balance everything.
Anyone here 1 and done or 2 and done having kids? What's your reason
I want another baby but I don’t think my partner does it kinda makes me sad I’m 34 not getting any younger I would love to have one more
Hi everyone! I just wanna know that how do you working if you have baby or babies?? 🤔
So i had bd during my ovulation and all the fertile window was covered ttc since 1.5 years had a late mmc in October i was just going on my TikTok and 2 lady probably a psychic was doing card reading i asked her if im going to conceive this cycle she said no and now i think this cycle is gone too😭😭😭 I don’t know…
After being off for a well took sometime out, we decided to try for the first month of the year. Who is around 1DPO or close too. Need some girlies well we all do the 2 week wait. Congratulations to all the new 2025 mamas already 👶…
Am I the only one wanting another baby while only having a 6 week old 😅 and a 18 month old 🫣
Anyone have any tips or advice on what they have done to fall pregnant ?
How long did people take to conceive baby number 2? We’re TTC and feel like it could be another long journey 😞
I got officially diagnosed with PCOS mid 2023 when we were trying for our last baby, lost weight got pregnant. Now baby is 9 months old and well… I got my after birth period at like 5weeks PP, all was fine and normal up until November… I had my period stop the very beginning of November and it didn’t come back until...
What do we think about this graph and the symptoms? I had severe ovulation pain on my right side, then got EWCM, and then got an ovulation test that was positive! Then it went down a lot. I feel like we BD a lot so our odds are high! We’ve been TTC for almost 3 years… 2 failed IUIs and 2 IVF cycles that ended in mis...
How did you all navigate through your ttc journey? When the hope of conceiving is crushed with stark negative tests and AF? I feel like I'm becoming obsessive and extremely sad..cycle 4 atm.