Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Anyone else struggling to hand express? I’ve been trying every day but having no luck collecting anything! Starting to think my boobs don’t work!
Who is trying for baby #2 or more? 🫶🏼
I’m looking to get pregnant again I have a 15 m old baby, how did everyone cope with with HG and having a small baby?! I’m petrified
Okay so the first time my husband and I tried it took us 4- 5 months to get pregnant. I’m in school and I’m set to graduate next May so with that being a factor as well as us trying to spread out the birthdays and holidays. I would like to get pregnant in October ish November ish to have a July baby or summer baby. ...
Incognito as feels embarrassing asking. When did people find it go easier? LO is 5/6months and some days I’m more tired than newborn trench days. Anyone else? And when did people found they turned a corner as such?
I have just been told I have low pappa I am already on aspirin and been told I’ll be seen for extra scans. But can’t help being scared. Also what was people results for down syndromes and the others tests? 🤍🤍
I have had different symptoms for a week (cramps, dizziness, implantation bleeding) but now AF is here to end the horrible wait in the worst way possible. I hate doing this each month.
Next month we are doing an FET, this time with steroids & intralipids. Wondering if anyone has any success stories going down that road? We’ve had multiple losses, and finally been told I have extremely high numbers of very active NK Cells, so hoping that this will make all the difference, but would love to hear h...
I am really struggling mentally with TTC baby number 2. Baby 1 was unplanned so I have never been through this before. I really wanted a summer baby again as i felt it helped me PP and the night just being lighters helped with the night feeds ect. We have been trying for 7 months and no luck. I really didn't want a ...
It’s a bit harder for me because I have a blocked tube but I know it’s not impossible! So please share what helped you get preggers!!! I’ll do anything :)
I’m 3dpo and I’m officially in my 2 week wait so wish me luck I have a lot of confidence now that my man is supportive about me and him wanting a baby so yea
Im wanting another baby soon (my boy turns four this year) im hoping it will be easier second time round as I know to kind of expect and what to do etc , did any of you have it easier?? Thanks
Hey I have a little boy who’s 2 and a half, and I really want another baby but I’m just so scared as I know what’s coming in the end 😂😂 how is it having a second I would just love some advice. Thankyou x
I know our babies are only 5/6 months but just wondering if anyone is definitely one and done? This is definitely a lot harder than I thought it would be, I love my LO so much and I know it's so worth it but like could I see me doing this all again? I dunno 😅 also other circumstances come into play with a second…
Hi guys, just been told I have an under active thyroid so I’m 50mg of levothyroxine, how quickly can I get pregnant since being on this? I already have a baby boy. So been ttc for 7 months but feeling hopeful now I’m on this? But how long did it take you all to conceive once being on this?
Happy February All. This will be cycle 7 of TTC baby no2. Can anyone advise which days to BD? I’ve read it’s not good to do it daily due to sperm quality? OPK is very low today so and blank circle on CB test. Is it worth starting tomorrow so 2nd, 5th & 6th maybe?
Is anyone else thinking about trying for a second baby? We had issues conceiving the first time so I don’t want to wait until the “perfect time” because life doesn’t work that simply! I loved being pregnant and absolutely love being a mum, so can’t wait to do it again to be honest.
When I gave birth to my son I had 6/7 regular cycles which was a complete shock to me prior to falling pregnant they were all over the place. How after 7 months postpartum they became super irregular again, missing periods and now I’ve bleeding for last 4 months! Finally got my PCOS diagnosis yesterday after pushing...
Oh lord, here I go again. 5dpo and I’m hoping I can hold out for another week until I start testing. This two week wait every month is killing me. Just wanted to rally up the troops, cause I know I’m not alone in this. Let’s talk about how much we’re driving ourselves crazy with ifs ands or buts. Baby dust to us a...
I bought this. Has anyone else ever used it and had any success? Nearing ovulation right now and I’ve been ttc for about 4 1/2 years now so I thought I’d give this a try.