Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Okay so I took a digital pregnancy test and in 40 secs it was positive I’ve never had that happen before (I timed it lol) I should be about 3 weeks too. Obviously only an ultrasound will tell me but I just wanna know what yall experience was my bestie is stressing me out lol😂😂
Hey! I had a positive test digital stating 1-2 weeks on Thursday and today took 5 tests and all say negative?😩 Has anyone had any experience with this before? I do suffer with PCOS which doesn’t help!
I have got a faint blue line on a pregnancy test. (I know they’re known for false positives.) but the next two times I took them they got darker and darker. Last night I took a pink strip test and yep there’s a line. Today I took a strip test and there is absolutely nothing!? Am I have a chemical pregnancy test? Was...
Is this a positive test or an evaporation line? I’m so confused. I’m 10 dpo and due on my period in 3 days
Is this a faint positive I am 10DPO
Stark white negative test this morning. At my wits end. I know everyone says you’re not out til your period comes, but… every month this is so disheartening. I don’t have any pregnancy symptoms at all, even though I understand it’s early, I just know in my heart. I don’t know how much longer I can keep going with th...
Is this more like an evap line as i looked half an hour later? Or are digital tests better to use? I have 2 like this and one thats clear from a couple of days ago.
has anyone had a negative test day 38, app says i’m 4 days late but still been pregnant?
What’s the latest it you got a positive?
Can someone please tell me if this is evap line or faint positive im in shock and can't tell I left it for 15 minutes so I'm not sure as it says read within 10
And it being faint?
With faint lines?
I have line eyes so I will always see a line is this negative ? Or do u see a vvf
Can’t tell if my eyes are messing with me but this is negative right?
Period is due In 2 days But only 9DPO Neg tests Is there still time?
Am I bugging or is there a very very faint second line here
has anyone else had half a line on a clear blue test? does that mean positive or is it inconclusive? i’m just so confused
why is my pregency line dark as hell and why did it come up before the control line did?
Is this a positive I have no idea what DPO I am and also have white CM
Does this look positive I have no idea how many dpo I am just took it this morning and it came up?