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test is from last may. did not end up pregnant. just curious to see what everyone thinks happened because i definitely see a line. indent,false positive, chemical? i tested again a few days later and it was negative
I’m 13dpo. I’ve had 2 days of the most incredibly faint lines on FR pregnancy tests. Both appeared within the 10 minutes. Are these just indents/evap lines and should I give up hope for this month? I’ve had recurrent miscarriages so want to know if it’s a yes or no as I would be taking Cyclogest when I get a positive.
Hello! I'm one day late so took a test this morning, and what I'd normally assume was an evap line came up, but within the 5 minute window, I know I need to test again in a few days but out of interest has anybody had a line like this that turned out to be positive please? ☺️
Anybody get pregnant 2 weeks after period. My period came 4 days late 22nd of February, I took 5 pregnancy test yesterday and all are positive.
I’m currently 6months postpartum and also have an 18month old, I took two tests a couple days ago and they both came back dark positive. I’ve been having almost severe pain in the area my left ovary would be, I get blood work and and ultrasound in a couple weeks. I don’t know weather I should be scared or happy.
I had a very faint positive at 10dpo. The picture is this morning at 12dpo. It’s a very sensitive one. It has sensitivity of 10 IU/L. The digital has sensitivity of 25 IU/L. Can I use digital tomorrow?
Has anyone else had really high ALT blood tests at the stage. On 20th they were 100 and on the 27th they are 199! Midwife has just done some more bloods and said she will be contacting my consultant about this. What’s likely to happen now?
Has anyone had a positive pregnancy test at 8dpo?
Opinions? Negative? X
What do yous think? Anything? I did a digital and was negative.
This is definitely a positive and not an indent isn't it?
So I’m trying to conceive my lmp was 11th Feb and I got some faint ovulation lines last Thursday -Saturday then none after my predicted ovulation day was 25th and had a lot of fertile discharge 18th -25th. Is it too soon to be testing as getting negatives
So between Saturday and Sunday I took 4 tests they all came back positive. I even read the results in the appropriate time frame (even took a digital that came up Yes+). Today I went to a Women’s Care Center and it came back negative. I’ve never had this happen to me before so the lady told me to come back Friday. I...
Okay so I took a digital pregnancy test and in 40 secs it was positive I’ve never had that happen before (I timed it lol) I should be about 3 weeks too. Obviously only an ultrasound will tell me but I just wanna know what yall experience was my bestie is stressing me out lol😂😂
Hey! I had a positive test digital stating 1-2 weeks on Thursday and today took 5 tests and all say negative?😩 Has anyone had any experience with this before? I do suffer with PCOS which doesn’t help!
I have got a faint blue line on a pregnancy test. (I know they’re known for false positives.) but the next two times I took them they got darker and darker. Last night I took a pink strip test and yep there’s a line. Today I took a strip test and there is absolutely nothing!? Am I have a chemical pregnancy test? Was...
Is this a positive test or an evaporation line? I’m so confused. I’m 10 dpo and due on my period in 3 days
Is this a faint positive I am 10DPO
Stark white negative test this morning. At my wits end. I know everyone says you’re not out til your period comes, but… every month this is so disheartening. I don’t have any pregnancy symptoms at all, even though I understand it’s early, I just know in my heart. I don’t know how much longer I can keep going with th...
Is this more like an evap line as i looked half an hour later? Or are digital tests better to use? I have 2 like this and one thats clear from a couple of days ago.