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has anyone else had half a line on a clear blue test? does that mean positive or is it inconclusive? i’m just so confused
why is my pregency line dark as hell and why did it come up before the control line did?
Is this a positive I have no idea what DPO I am and also have white CM
Does this look positive I have no idea how many dpo I am just took it this morning and it came up?
My period was due today. This isn’t the best picture but it’s the best I could get lol. Does this look like an evaporation line? I don’t want to get my hopes up. Just wondering if maybe anyone has had a test like this and ended up positive?
I’ve been testing negative all week and I’ve just done a test and it’s positive, are these test known for false positives or am I taking this as a positive, please if anyone has any experience with these test let me know, thank you
Have any of you ladies had your hcg levels tested by blood if you recently found out you are pregnant?
Supposed to be 15 dpo. Left is yesterday and right is today but negative digital! Other pics in comments
I had a MMC in September and this is my first positive since. I’m worried it’s a little light for 19dpo…please someone tell me they’ve experienced this and had a positive outcome?🥺🤍🌈
I’m 4 days late I took a test on the first day I was late and they were both negative, I also took a test yesterday when I was 3 days late and it was also negative, today I’m 4 days late with another negative test day 34 day cycle and 18 dpo, when should I test next?
Is this positive, these are taken 3 hours after each other bottom one is most recent and I think I definitely see a line just very faint Opinions?
Hi mummies The test is fain one line of each should I consider it as positive?
I took this test this morning with the first wee of the day (it’s an early detection, I’m 6 days before my period) …I checked after around 5 mins and there was nothing, I go back a couple hours later and this line had appeared. I’ve then done a digital on my second wee which has shown not pregnant. I’m going to tes...
I got a positive at 14dpo yesterday, are my tests to light though?
I tested today! 3 days late on my period. I’m also only 4 months postpartum 🥺. Anyone else?! Going to have two under two!!
Has anyone ever had a super fast positive that’s really clear and totally undeniable pretty Early? I took this test 3 weeks and 4 days after the first day of my last period. It was totally instant! My wee hadn’t even absorbed into it all the way before it was showing positive and dark! It was seconds. I don’t know...
I’m 11 dpo today and I think I see something! More tests in the comments
I should be 11 dpo today! Is it positive? I have other pictures of different tests in the messages..
I took this pregnancy test this morning. Sorry for the silly question but I’ve had so many false positives that I need advice. Does this look like a positive test? The line looks more blue in person
Hey girlies just need advice I’m really struggling atm - I’ve tested positive before my period has arrived but all really faint positives, don’t really feel pregnant but I’m nervous that it’ll end in another loss again as I’ve previously experienced loss but I feel so confused as I dunno where I stand with all of it...