Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Bedtime & sleep

My son has been going through this phase for months and months now, he wakes up in the middle of the night shouting for mummy on 3 or 4 occasions and I will put him back to bed but eventually I just give in and put him in our bed! I am in my 3rd trimester and I am absolutely exhausted, bed times are hard work as he ...


Bed time routine

What is everyone’s bedtime routine? I want to make the best bedtime routine for my 5 month old to sleep longer stretches (currently waking every 2hrs she is breastfed) but sometimes she won’t go straight back to sleep?


Why is my baby turning into the devil at night?!

4 months 1 week. He’s always been such a good baby and never been a crier unless somethings been bothering him.. he’s fine all day and it get to about 8ish and it’s almost like a temper cry like somethings really bothering him and it’s so hard to get him to calm down. I don’t think it’s wind and we thought maybe h...


Travel Cot

Can anyone recommend a good travel cot that they have tried and tested? Thank you


2 yo waking up too early in the morning

Omds I’m losing my mind!! My 2 year old sleeps at 9pm but wakes up at 6am every day! He used to get 10 hours at night with frequent wake ups, now he sleeps through from 12-6am but is up way too early. Nap is 2-3 hours long bc he doesn’t get enough sleep at night. I’m also pregnant and running on about 5hrs sleep. Is...


Any survival tips welcomed 🙏

Anyone else a solo mama, working full time and in the final year of their degree? Any tips to survive the last couple months of study before my 6 years of hard work is complete? Toddler has sleep regression too, thankful for a very understanding boss, but absolutely drowning in it all right now. Can anyone relate or...



My little boy was 13 months on 3rd March. He still hasn’t taken any steps, he stands all the time but would still rather crawl. Are everyone else’s babies who are a similar age on here walking yet? I’m always so worried about him being behind.


Night pumping

You see the way you can leave breast milk at room temp for 5 hours, does this mean if I pumped at 2am, I could use the same pump (without washing) again at 6am, then put that milk in fridge, wash and sterilise the pumps?


Contact sleeping

4 the past few month my 19 month old will not sleep unless he is contact sleeping. He always been a restless sleeper and woke regular for breastfeeds or to be touch so he can drift back off. But yeah past two months or so he wants to use me as a pillow. Who else's little one like this. He still breastfeeds but not e...


Getting yourself ready

With baby on the move and pulling to stand on everything, how are you getting yourselves ready for the day? I've tried containing him in his cot but he tries to stand in there and ends up falling and bopping his head on the bars. It's getting increasingly difficult to just get ready for the day 🥴


Help a girl out - if you use a great under eye cream that helps with brightness and reducing dark circles please recommend.

I could up my water intake and sleep could be better but have a 3 year old 🤪


How many BF feeds is your LO on?

Please let me know it's not just mine.... is anyone else's BF LO still on 8 feeds in 24hrs? And are any still having 2 or more night feeds?


Has anyone done sleep training?

My boy is 6 months old and he’s never slept a full night ever. Wake windows are every 2-3 hours and honestly my body is craving a full night sleep. I also have a toddler who wakes up between 5:30-6am so I feel so sleep deprived



How do you feel about kids being unvaccinated? Have you met adults that are unvaccinated? Does anyone know where i can look at reliable unbiased facts about vaccines, and whether or not to get them? Im a first time mom and im having a hard time with it all


Help sleeping issue

Moo is 18 months and she’s been waking at 4am everyday for at least 6-7 weeks now, There was one occasion she slept in until 6am and that was in her travel cot, She’s not napping properly in her cot very well either. Now I’m thinking does she need the sides removing as she needs more space!?! The cotbed and mattre...


Tummy Sleeping

Is it okay for LO to sleep on me on their stomach? I know safe sleeping says on their back but during a contact nap (where I’m fully awake) can they be on their tummy?


Am I doing something wrong?

Hi all. Little boys sleep has been all over the show the last month. Use to be a 7-7 sleeper when he was younger and all of a sudden when hit 6 months was awful. He is 11 months now and for the last two weeks he is only taking one nap per day which lasts 2.5/3 hours. This means by 7pm he is exhausted but he will not...


How long does your baby nap for the whole day?

I made the mistake of letting mine nap for 4.5hrs in total yesterday for us to be starting the day at 4:30am today. How long does your baby nap all day? How much night sleep do they get? When do they start the day?


6 month old constipated

So my little one just turned 6 months a couple weeks ago and I’ve started giving him rice cereal - just a tablespoon a day. He hasn’t pooped in 3 days and today he did, but it looked hard. He was also straining and grunting a lot, but thankfully not crying in pain. I’m a little worried. How much water are we meant t...


Bedtime false starts

Is anyone else experiencing ‘false starts’ every time their LO goes to bed for the night? My baby is waking every 20 minutes or so and needing resettling every evening for a good few hours no matter what we try. Any tips on how to stop it? Or does anyone deal with similar? Will it end?! - wake window is on avera...


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