Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.
I'm 32 +4 weeks and have suddenly starting feeling a lot or pressure and discomfort in my lower stomach and shooting pain into my groin, bum and vagina which is exacerbated by walking. Im not sure if this means my little girl has dropped and I guess I'm panicking that she might either come early or I'll spend the ne...
I had random cramps here and there with my son but was relatively not in pain . I’m nearly 14weeks with di/di twins and anytime I sit ,stand ,walk ,move in bed it’s like my ovaries are getting stabbed . I’m meeting my OB this Thursday and have an ultrasound but it sounds like round ligament pain and im already over...
Hi girls!! I am currently 11wks3days pregnant . I have felt sick every day since finding out at 5 weeks however I’ve woke up today and don’t feel sick !! Which is nice but now I’m worried that something is wrong 😣😣😣
I don’t know how the heck you’re supposed to sleep before you’re induced. It’s like now that I know there’s an actual end date coming in the next week, I just lay here thinking about all the things I need to do this week. I drink magnesium and do yoga before bed but the insomnia is definitely getting worse.
Hey ladies, Yesterday I was completely fine and then this morning I started vomiting randomly. I am 3 months pp and on my period (3rd day). This has never happened before
For anyone who wouldn’t mind sharing, what were the very first symptoms you noticed before getting a positive pregnancy test? 🤰 TIA
I was up from about 2-6am with not just insomnia but also acute nausea. Took everything to not be sick but resisted 😂 not looking forward to tonight in case it’s the same. Does it strike at this time for anyone else? Just over 7 weeks x
Hi, I’m 32 weeks pregnant with my second and I’m really struggling. I have no energy at all. I struggle to get out of bed and get anything done but ofc I have to as I have a toddler to look after. I’m just looking for some advice on how I can up my energy levels a bit because I literally feel horribleeee
Been having left sided cramps for a few hours yesterday, what could it be? Could it be implantation?
So I’m a ftm and 39+2 days and this morning I have Woking up with really bad period pains but it’s consistent dose anyone else have this?
Anyone else feel like the first trimester tiredness is starting to creep back in? I’m 26 weeks today and have had almost normal energy levels for the second trimester, but now the fog is starting to come back! 😱
How long did pp night sweats last for you? I'm 14 weeks pp and I'm still waking up drenched! 🥵😵 pretty much all my other pp symptoms have disappeared except for this one. Is this normal??😭
I’m 8 weeks pp and EBF. Since last night I’ve been getting stitch like pains in my stomach, and a pains in my lower back.. which is making me think my period could be on the way.. when did everyone start their period after birth and EBF? Was this period worse than normal? How long did everyone’s last I know every...
Are nightmares likely to start around this age? LO woke up screaming blue murder around 11:30pm. Couldn’t work out why. Nothing seem to help, had to take him out of his room for a while until he settled. Gave calpol just in case- maybe teeth?
I felt like my body was doing pretty decent and I haven’t been to miserable. But literally the last 2 days everything has like hit at once and I am beyond miserable now. My feet are swollen and hurt to walk on, hips hurt, tons of pressure, arms and hands have bad tingling, belly cramps, bad back pain, like I am fall...
It’s currently 2:46am and I’ve not slept a wink and have to get up at 5am 😫. Is anyone else struggling with insomnia? Currently 31+5 and my sleep is so hit and miss, tonight is apparently a miss. I’ve tried all my hypnobirthing tracks and technique but nothing! So just a post to say if anyone else is wide awake…
Hi! I wanted to share this helped me a little bit today. I’ve been having all day nausea more than my first pregnancy and my mom gave me liquid IV which I finally tried today and it settled my stomach. I don’t know if I was dehydrated - I probably was. Sharing in case it helps anyone. I also drank a GatorLyte. I’ll ...
I’m 15 weeks and had an argument with my husband, I got emotional and had a mild panic attack. I took a shower to calm down and after the show I threw up (I’ve never thrown up this far in this pregnancy so this was the first time). Now I have intense cramps on my lower left side all the way through to my back and do...
I’m 8 weeks 5 days with my second and just wondering if anyone else has days where they feel like they’ve been hit by a truck and are so nauseated and then the next day wake up with minimal nausea and feeling better.
I’m currently 32+4 weeks pregnant and suffering with I think trapped wind. It’s agonising pain that gets worse with movement and touching my stomach, mainly at the top of my stomach. Has anyone experienced this and has any advice please?