Serrated tabs to open packages and they don’t work is enraging
@Minna ooooh the toilet paper! It doesn't make me mad but I have to change it. I'll try to ignore it but by the second or third time I go to the bathroom I can't stand it anymore 😂
Chicken not put in the tray anymore when you buy from the store or tomatos to reduce recycling. Drinking a milkshake with a paper straw. No sell by dates on vegetables. Agree with the bottle tops although I just pull them off anyway.
@Karen can you explain the chicken thing? I'm not sure what you mean. I looked up the bottle thing and I think that must be a UK thing. I don't think I've ever seen them here in the US.
Tins with a pull tab and the tab comes off and a can opener doesn’t work on them so you have to throw it away!
@Rachel here in UK a lot of fresh meat is now vacuum packed instead of in a plastic tray with plastic covering to reduce the amount of plastic. (is what I think she means)
Hulu signs me out randomly and I never remember the login information. People, that aren’t my guest, parking in front of my house.
I absolutely hate the "stone" unit of measurement. Being American, yeah yeah, the imperial system of measurements is dumb and I wish we'd join the rest of the world in going metric. But seriously. A stone is what? 14 lbs? Why 14? Just why to the whole thing?
@Raqi you know how many times I’ve looked up “How many lbs is a stone?” Lol I can never remember.
I don't care that people park in front of my house, but parking in front of my garbage cans so the garbage people skip our house is infuriating
People who park in parent&child parking bays without a child.
@Minna we don't have those either 😭
When you get shopping delivered and they’ve put tins or bottles with the crisps, biscuits etc.. then they are all broken 😠
women’s pants with FAKE POCKETS like wtf just make real ones if you’re gonna make it look like they exist
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Someone perfectly legally parking by the curb directly across from my driveway so to get my giant ass car out I have to go the wrong direction and circle the whole block to then be facing the direction I need to go Shopping carts/ trolleys with wonky wheels that are impossible to push The general design of a lot of packaging (mainly sugar and flour) The cost of shipping on vinted being more than the items I buy My tv not just directly going to Netflix when I turn it on but having to select it from the menu even though it’s the only thing I use the tv for I could go on 🙈
@MIA❤️🔥 hate fake pockets and just the lack of pockets!
These new bottles where the top won't come off. Toilet paper put the wrong way to the holder.