I felt the same way. I was lucky enough to have my partner home for the first two weeks he was/is the calm to my storm. I was so scared to be alone for the first time, but each day we made it, I took it as a win 😅 eventually it just became the new normal he's 3 months now. You and your baby are both learning every day. Eventually, you'll know your baby better than anyone. It just takes time and patience.
Omg no you’re doing great, it’s actually just so hard and overwhelming. And definitely don’t feel guilty for needing help! We all need help, we all deserve it! Even if we don’t all get it. It’s so much better for your mental health to accept that you are doing a job no one else can do and you deserve support in that role. I struggled so hard for the first year (longer than necessary because I was half traumatized) but if I get to do it again I’m setting myself up with as much help as possible, and I’m setting the expectations bar sooo low for myself as far as what I ‘should’ be able to manage. And I’m just going to do my best to enjoy it and not stress, most of us won’t do this newborn/postpartum phase more than once or twice in our lives. You deserve to be supported and to try to enjoy it as much as is possible instead of beating yourself up over unreasonable expectations
Just by having these feelings it means you care so much and you are a good mum already 😊 I didn’t like the newborn stage. Used to look at my baby and thinking ‘I love you but I cannot do it’. She wanted mainly me and when I was overwhelmed I would pass her to her dad so I could get 1h sleep ending up to cry half of it because of guilt! I can confidently say this will get better. Anxiety will still be part of motherhood, worries, guilt etc but the more your baby grows and the better you get to know each other, the less of these negative feelings you ll have. Don’t forget you are already an amazing mumma!
Babes this is so normal and I promise in time you’ll feel better! It’s such early stages and everything is new for both you and baby. In time you’ll look back at these early days and feel so proud of how far you’ve come 🤍 Just know that you are the most capable person because he chose you to be his Mum. You sound like you have a great support system - use it for as much help as you need!
If you feel like you aren't a good mum or you aren't doing a job, you are doing amazing. The fact that you question your abilities means that you care so much about how you are doing. Anxiety is such a huge part of being a mother, don't forget to talk to people about it, everyone goes through it. Keep on, you are doing amazing
Ohhh my I was so overwhelmed and anxious for months after never mind 2 weeks. It’s all new toy you as well as your newborn. Your emotions and hormones are all over the place too. You have to adjust to a new life. At the beginning I felt like I maybe had made a big mistake. Buy 13.5 months on and she is a bundle of joy most of the time and would t have my life any other way. It dose get easier. It sounds like maybe some baby blues I had them terrible feeling cried for hours on end every day and just felt like I wasn’t doing a good job. Didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do. Your doing a great job ❤️