Farm Park?

Has anyone taken their 7/8 month old to a farm park or similar? Did your little one enjoy it? Wondering what to do on my first Mother’s Day, and if baby would be too young for this kind of thing ☺️
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Mine was so unimpressed 🤣 but I had fun!

Took LO last week, she wasn't phased, seemed more interested in someone's pet dog than the farm animals, but her ticket was free and I enjoyed it 🤣 there were also a few people with younger babies so I didn't feel daft about it

Yeah same here, he kind of looked at the animals but wasn't all that bothered. I enjoyed it and the coffee after!

When my first was 6 months old we went on holiday for a week and the place we stayed had goats, well my little boy found them HILARIOUS he would not stop laughing hysterically every time he saw them! 😂 I’ve taken my 8 month old to loads of farm parks now cos we go with her older brother who is now 3, she seems pretty indifferent to be honest 😂 So I guess it depends on the baby, yours could love it or be indifferent and you won’t know until you take him! If you wanna go, do it 🤷🏼‍♀️

6 months we did sealife centre and 7 months a zoo. He was only interested in things that moved or he could touch, but as someone's already said, he was free, and it was nice to have a different day out. I love animals so I'm happy to go and I'm sure my LO loves them too (when they aren't being boring)

Thanks all!

My 8 month old LOVES animals! Or you could take him to an aquarium! My baby loved watching all the fish etc and it’s more colourful and noticeable!

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