Potty training

For a good few months now my son is happy to sit on the toilet and do a wee or poo, but we have to be guessing when we needs a poo or a wee. He even goes at nursery if he's taken. Only thing is he's not fully talking yet or communicating to us when he needs to go. We have tried to encourage him to tell is with signs but it's not working. It's hard also as I don't have much time off work now to dedicate to proper potty train him. Do I need to ditch the nappies??? Not really sure.... Wanted to get the opinion of mums especially who have little boys.
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I have a little boy and we've potty trained but we still have to prompt him and sometimes he takes himself. I think the key is consistency. We use nappies for sleep because he's not dry at night but I think if you keep nappies on him sometimes it can get confusing for them. We just went for it fully without nappies and watched him for signs he needed a wee for three days naked from waist down and then introduced trousers with no pants.

@Nell thank you we will keep doing what we are doing for now. I'll take that tip of no pants. What do you think about replacing nappies in the day with proper pants ?

@Christina we used the oh crap potty training method if it helps! We skimmed the book because it can be a bit meandering 🤣

@Nell oh I have never heard of this before 😄 Is it a book? Or can I find info online 🤔

@Christina so if you put underwear on him he'll just probably associate it as a nappy because it's something close to his skin. That's why we did trousers and no pants

@Christina we bought the book but not sure if it's anywhere else

@Nell right I get your point so how did you make sure when you started putting pants back on with trousers he didn't just associate it with a nappy again?

@Christina we did trousers no pants for ages like 5 weeks or something to make sure he had the potty training down

Oh wow. Did you bring spare clothes incase of accidents when out and about What about nursery ? How would you approach it. I have 4 days off coming in April I was wondering if that's enough?

We started on a Saturday and so had two days with him and then he was at nursery Monday Tuesday. We went for just pants (but I have heard lots saying no pants is best) on day one and two then trousers for nursery. Nappies for sleep. This was a week and a half ago and we are still prompting him to go. We have had a mix of dry days and multiple accidents… but he will get there!!

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