Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
I’ve been seeing you should take babies to dentist as soon as their first tooth comes through. My girl has 2 but has only just turned 5 months. When did everyone take their babies?
So my 3 year old son acts like he is scared of the potty. He won’t use the small fake potty but he will use the big but tell us he is scared when he has to poop. So he won’t poop unless he is off the toilet and in underwear or a pull up. How can I fix this ?
Hi all! My son has been toilet trained for about 8 months now (he's still in a nappy overnight). It all happened pretty naturally and smoothly at the time. Lately, he's been having frequent wee accidents in his pants, and when we speak about it, he says he forgot to go to the toilet. We are careful not to shame or...
Are these a thing or not? I'm on day 3 of diarrhea with my LO, he is 8 1/2 months currently cutting his first tooth, having formula fine, happy in himself. Only started giving teething powder yesterday so I know it's not that. I'm not massively concerned just would like to know when thing is going to end
For a good few months now my son is happy to sit on the toilet and do a wee or poo, but we have to be guessing when we needs a poo or a wee. He even goes at nursery if he's taken. Only thing is he's not fully talking yet or communicating to us when he needs to go. We have tried to encourage him to tell is with signs...
We're going to take a long weekend off and go for potty training this weekend. Going for the oh crap potty training route. No nappies at all, bare bum, only nappies at night. One thing though, how the hell are we supposed to stay indoors all day every day for 4 days?!? She goes crazy if she doesn't go out twice a d...
I'm on vacation for two weeks in April. I'm going to keep my son home to potty train during that time. I need help coming up with things that are simple but will keep him entertained that A) don't cost money B) don't involve a TV C) aren't too hard to stop and get him to the potty when he needs to go Thank you
My son’s 2 years old (28 months to be precise) and I have no clue where to start with potty training?! He refuses to even sit on the potty even after a lot of encouragement, what can I do?💙
Okay… so my one year old has been showing huge interest in the bathroom and has started going into the bathroom to poop in her diaper 😂 so we have gently started potty training. Nothing hard core just on a reliable schedule sitting on the potty. Sometimes she goes other times we don’t. (And thats okay!) I want to…
We have been actively potty training our daughter. She’s 3 and has been in pull-ups since we’ve started. We’ve tried to put training panties on her and she has been going more in her pull ups or training panties and less in her potty. She will say potty and tells us that she pooped but it was after she did it in her...
FTM here My Baby boy will be 3 months on the 19th is the is this a sign he’s teething ? He’s also been fussy at night , here and there and having more saliva than usual (I will add a picture of his gums below this post)
Is anyone else’s little one not potty trained at all? My girl refuses to even sit on the potty :(
My daughter is 2 years and 3 months old and I’m really trying to potty train her before my son arrives (I’m due April 17th) and I’m not sure the best way to go about it. I have a potty for her already and she has gone on it just not constantly and she won’t tell me when she needs to go. I know some people do where...
Has anyone started introducing a potty yet? My son has been bringing me diapers when he has a wet diaper or poops, and frankly I’m tired of the stinky poops lol When he was super constipated, I put him on the toilet to help him get it out, but when I tried last night when he was trying to poop he seemed a bit traum...
Where are you all on potty training? My girl has no interest at all. I want to try to get her more interested and wanting to try. I am due in July and would love to get the brunt of it out of the way before the baby comes. I also don’t want to force her if she’s not ready. She has her own potty in the bathroom and w...
Has anyone successfully potty trained an how long did it take roughly ? X
I’m unsure how to make heads or tails of this. I read that kids could hold their pee up to 12 hours but typically go every two hours at three. My child does not go over overnight. Should I be concerned or is this okay? She has a pull-up and I told her it’s OK to have a wet diaper for bedtime. She is potty trained fu...
What age do you schedule your baby first dentist appointment
I have another baby who is eight months old so I can’t give 100% attention all the time but I’m trying to go with just panties or commando and she recognizes that she’s wet and she’s peed but when I put her on the potty she won’t go IN the potty. I’ve tried reading books, but she’ll only sit there for a minute or tw...
Is it just my kid, or are the toddler underwear sizes at Walmart super inconsistent? We potty trained my son when he was 2/2.5 so we bought him some of the character briefs in the 2t/3t size and they fit fine. Well he's 3 now and fits in to both 3t and 4t clothes and the underwear is getting too tight so I bought hi...