We're starting with a lot of talking about potty, poos and wees, reading a few story books about potty.... just starting to prepare. It's been great as he clearly knows now what the potty is for. But he's also not really wanting to sit on it himself yet. The potty is out, we're chatting about it in a relaxed way daily. I've read it's just about no pressure, gentle encouragement and let them engage with it when they're ready. I think we'll use Easter weekend to stay close to home and let him go naked in the house to see if it starts to click a bit more. I've invested in a lot of sticker books for him to play with while on potty so we'll see if that helps him sit down on it.
Start with a few books. Princess polly and mo and Millie! We are the same I started and she wasn’t ready so waiting until May to try again. But books are just a fun way to start approaching it learning about wee poo bums wiping toilet accidents etc x
We liked pirate Pete for a potty training book, also used some flash cards and took a week or so to prepare him, and explain when mummy and daddy were going to the toilet. The reward system worked well for us, but we didn't go bare bum, we went straight into pants, and the wet sensation taught him about wees and ro use the potty.
Hey, you can try sit him with his favourite treats, drink and shows to distract him from realising his sitting on the potty. X