Potty training!

Okay… so my one year old has been showing huge interest in the bathroom and has started going into the bathroom to poop in her diaper 😂 so we have gently started potty training. Nothing hard core just on a reliable schedule sitting on the potty. Sometimes she goes other times we don’t. (And thats okay!) I want to start researching potty training underwear. Any recommendations??
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I wouldn’t use training underwear it’s rather counterproductive. We’ve done the oh crap method and it recommends to leave out underwear entirely for the first few weeks.

@Alice so I plan on just using diapers as we move forward and as we do a better job communicating when we need to go I want to move to some sort of underpants. I don’t want to put too much pressure this early on (she just turned one)

how old is your 1 year old old? mine is 14 months and as a first time mom i have no idea what to do or where to start lol

I understand. I started elimination communication at 6mo and around 1yr he was pretty much potty trained but with diapers on. The thing is that once you decide to actually potty trained, the diapers have to go (aside from naps and nighttime) otherwise they’ll never really get it. I totally understand if you don’t wanna do away with diapers right now as we didn’t either but whenever you wanna pull the trigger they have to go. For a while I let my son run around naked all day and would only put diapers on him when he slept or when we left the house. He’s now 20mo and I just potty trained him and even though we did ec and he was halfway potty trained already, it was still very different when the diapers were gone completely.

Forgot to say, we also got training underwear and to baby, they just are too similar to diapers. We left him naked for 2 days and now he wears pants with no underwear. This makes it easier to see when he has an accident and it’s much more uncomfortable for him to pee down his legs than in a panty that soaks it all up (might aswell stick to diapers). Hope this helps.

I agree with @Alice from another elimination communication momma! Training underwear or pullups makes the process longer. My first baby started pottying at 6 months and was fully out of diapers at 20 months (although he was ready sooner). Now my 15 month old is casually sitting too and she goes hours staying wet or she'll linger around the bathroom if she needs to go. She's almost ready to go diaper free completely

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