Potty chart, my daughter loved putting stickers when she went to the bathroom, putting her on in the morning, after lunch , after dinner and before bed, underwear under the pamper so she feels the wetness but your floors are still safe, no liquids before bedtime and try using pull ups vs diapers for that easier “underwear” feeling of pulling them down at potty time. But also every child will be ready when they are. We tried at 2 with my daughter and she didn’t grasp it much then at 3 we tried again and she got it so quickly, books, tablet games and kid videos help too with explaining it in a child friendly manner
Go pants off, your carpets will be fine. Get her a fancy new water cup so she'll get lots of opportunities to practice. 😉
They won’t tell you when they need to go. We need to remind and ask and prompt them every half an hr until we notice a schedule. Mine is 5 and I still remind him hourly to pee- he knows, he just gets distracted until he’s busting then he’ll run to the toilet if I don’t remind him. Take off her diapers have her in undies or naked no undies just a dress, and ask or prompt every half an hr, if it’s been an hr make her sit on it until she pees. Do you have a backyard? Play in the backyard for a couple days and train that way. Just for the first couple pees until she understands the feeling of needing to go. When she gets inside ask her hourly
We potty trained our daughter at 2 years and 4 months. We'd read loads of books about it before hand, I think that really helped. I just had her with no pants or trousers on for about a week and put down towels and puppy pads wherever she was playing or sitting. I think it's best not to stress to much and remember everything can be washed and cleaned. Lots of praise is really good too every time they use the potty. Hope you are successful.