@Jacquelin okay that’s what I was thinking too, he follows me in the bathroom everytime and I tell him every time “mommas going potty!”. But he also just looks at me when I ask if he needs to go too lol!
This "trauma" is me convinced that the diaper companies want kids to be in diapers for as long as possible...in many other countries they potty train at or close to one so don't worry about any of that! Our son is just turned 14 months but we have more seriously been introing the potty in the past month. Every morning we sit him on the potty and make a "psss" noise for pee and a grunting sound for poop and tell him to go potty He has books and "reads" while doing it and we have been catching one poop a morning! So nice to have one less diaper to clean (we cloth diaper) We aren't stressed about actually fully potty training for a bit but for now this is very nice to intro and get him comfy with the potty! Plus one less poop diaper is good for all! Go for it!
My son is peeing in the potty already.
My daughter will open and close her toilet but when I try and sit her on it she gets right back up. So I’m at a loss.
I somewhat introduced the toddler potty. I have it sitting next to the toilet in our restroom and everytime I go use the potty I let her know and let her see that I am using it. Then I ask her if she wants to use potty and she shakes her head no. I do work Monday through Friday so I am not exactly sure how to get her more comfortable with the idea of using it besides the weekends. Right now, I am just going with the flow and hoping she shows interest soon!