@Carly thank you
If he didn’t ejaculate inside you and you have taken the morning after pill then the chances are extremely low
I doubt it girly 🤍
@April🌻 thank you this is really putting my mind at ease xx
@Sophie thank you so much x
Unlikely especially after taking the morning after pill
@Nelly thank you xx
Very unlikely. However, any unprotected sex carries a risk. If you don't want to become pregnant, make sure you use some contraception next time.
@Terri yes I definitely will thank you x
I got pregnant on pre ejaculation but I was highly fertile after a pregnancy and I did not take the pill. But if you were already ovulating the pill won’t work as it should so just keep an eye out. The pill stops ovulation from happening before it happens but if it’s during it’s still possible to get pregnant
@Natalia okay thank you xx
I agree with @Nelly even if he did precum a little you should be fine since you took the pill