@Mandi but he didn’t care when I was carrying his child. Didn’t care when I was struggling by myself. That shows he isn’t a good dad
No but that’s to you, you can’t deny him or your child of that relationship because your feelings are hurt, and it’s understandable why you’re hurt, but a child still needs their father you can’t rob your child on what could he amazing because you’re hurt how he treated you.it don’t mean he’s gonna treat your child bad. N if he dies then I’d understand you not wanting him around
@Mandi he treated my baby bad whilst in the womb and after I gave birth
If he wants to be in the child’s life, you cannot stop him from doing that. However, if you want to have mediation or the right boundaries in place, that is absolutely fine. Since you are going in your faith, it’s important to also see this from a biblical and spiritual perspective. Just because you have a child with someone it doesn’t mean that’s who God called you to be with a lot of times, we get into relationships without asking God, and often times those relationships would never of God. So you don’t have to be with him just because you have a child with him. You have to see God concerning who you God-fearing husband is. That said, since you share a child with him, it’s important that you pray for him, and allow him to be a father if he chooses to be one.
How what did he do to the baby. You’re sounding very bitter I’m going to be honest and that’s not of God. Don’t rob your child off a father just because you’re mad he didn’t love you the way you wanted. It’s not about you or him it’s about your child together. Be a good mother
@Mandi he said my baby is a fat f when she was born Said he doesn’t behave and doesn’t look like him told his ex this Was rough to my baby. Didn’t provide for nearly 2 years. He’s horrid
Oh my bad I thought baby was just born. If it’s been two years of been a deadbeat then you do you girl but I’d always keep that door open for your baby girl to know him. Ask God for clear guidance and he’ll provide it
You don’t need to force something if it don’t feel right to you, but that’s his child too so you can’t let your emotions for his actions in ur relationship effect his relationship with his child. Been a bad boyfriend don’t mean he’ll be a bad dad.