Im having such a hard time potty training

I have another baby who is eight months old so I can’t give 100% attention all the time but I’m trying to go with just panties or commando and she recognizes that she’s wet and she’s peed but when I put her on the potty she won’t go IN the potty. I’ve tried reading books, but she’ll only sit there for a minute or two and then asked to get off and annoyed. We’re on day 2 but I feel like I’m failing.
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I also have a 8 month old and a toddler and we just potty trained over the weekend. My husband took care of the baby while I focused on potty training so if you have someone to help over a weekend that would probably be better! I’ll share the link to the potty training method we used. My girl got it after 4 accidents on day 1 because she didn’t like standing in pee puddles. I was never able to catch her in the act and bring her to the potty like the pdf said but after the four accidents, the next two times I noticed she had to go so I brought her and she went and then after that she was telling us. The author says that if you’re consistent they’ll get it by the end of day 3 so don’t give up! Just maybe try again when you have some help

We are waiting for the grandparents to visit to have extra hands before our next try. We have a 3 month old and I agree, it is so hard to potty train with an infant.

I also have a 8 month old and it is hard! Hopefully you could have extra gands but it took my daughter a week. I felt like giving up too because she wouldnt mind that feeling of being wet but she will get it! Keep trying

@Danielle That pdf is really good! Thank u. did you do all of it or just day/night? There's only a small section in there about the nights and I have too many questions

@Maria i think we did all of it…can’t think of anything we skipped. i was very nervous about nights but it’s been okay. Saturday and Sunday night no accidents but we had one last night. I think she tried to call for me but was just too late

I’ve heard to keep the undies for last(since they are tight they can feel like a diaper to toddlers). My July baby did comando at home for a long time and then loose shorts. Once he started the loose shorts it felt like starting over but it didn’t take too long for him to get it. Now we have him in normal pants but comando under for now….. once he gets super good at that we’ll add in the undies.

My kids are a year apart and it honestly took us 2/3 weekends to get our son potty trained. Dad and I gave ourselves candy or potty stickers (Spiderman sticker were his favorite) & eventually he got it. He had accidents of course but once he seen we got something for using the toilet he wanted it and understood he could only have it if he went too. We waited until he gave us signs he was ready.

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