If you file for child support he will get parental rights. Just go to court and add in the custody agreement what you want like being able to travel
You can look up child support office and there should be some place near you that pops up, call the number they have and explain that you want to get information on filing child support and getting a paternity test. They should be able to help you from there. Good luck!!!
Dm me love 💞💞
Once you establish paternity he will be able to add himself of the birth certificate. I always feel like it’s good to add the dad to the birth certificate because if he passes away you won’t have trouble receiving social security and benefits right away if something was to happen. Long as you breast feed or say your breast feeding he cannot take the baby overnights to around 2 years old. But child support and custody/visitation are two different courts
Not sure where you're based incog, I'm in the UK, but solicitor is your best bet. They will be able to order a paternity test. He will also have to pay for it if it comes back that he is the father given that he's refusing responsibility (or at least that's what it was like 20 years ago, could have changed, do some research).
Go get the paperwork done for child support. If he doesn’t show on the court date, the judge usually forces the title on him, even without the paternity test.
@Margarita so good to know thank you
My best advice is to call an attorney in your area