Curious. Do you and your spouse/long-term SO vote the same way?

Added the middle option for the cases where one partner isn’t as invested in politics in general. So they might have varying opinions but at the end of the day they shrug and let the other person vote for them. Do you think relationships work long term when people don’t vote the same way?
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We vote the same and hold almost all of the same political opinions. I’m more invested though, so my husband follows my lead through local elections and propositions etc. Ofc I always summarize for him, but he’s never been like “red flag, I disagree with that choice.” We’ve been very happy together for 6 years with 2 kids so far. Love that we avoid fights on serious topics while raising our children. I’d venture to say similar political core principles is necessary for a happy marriage 👀 maybe?

He votes. I don't vote. Not even registered to vote and won't be. But we have the same views.

We vote very similarly. Variation during primaries, but usually identically during elections themselves. It’s important to both of us, and we see it as part of our general alignment on our worldviews.

My husband doesn’t really vote unless I make him 😂 and if he does it’s usually the same as me, because I’m making him

Yep tho he’s even further left than I am lol I would absolutely not be with him if he voted the opposite of me because that would mean we have different morals and values

At the last general election we voted the same but the previous two we voted different to each other. It’s no biggy.

I’m not married but I will not marry someone who doesn’t vote the same because politics nowadays is based on morals now.

we don't vote

Don't vote, not registered and won't be.

We don’t vote

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