
Are you telling people what name you have chosen for baby?
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I have done!! We are going with the name Elodie! I think it’s quite unique as I’ve never heard anyone called that, we told everyone at 20 weeks when we found out we were having a little girl!💗

Also, don’t feel any pressure to tell anyone, that’s your baby and you can keep it till baby is born or tell them now, it’s entirely up to you!!

@Amy Ahhh I love Elodie! I was really pushing for Elodie but our first daughter’s middle name is Melody and my husband wants them to sound nice together but definitely not rhyming haha. It’s so pretty ☺️ x

@Gemma thank you!! I think it’s such a beautiful name, we are going with Mae for her second name as we feel it fits so well!! 🫶🏽

I am keeping mine a secret. If people ask I just say we haven’t decided… even though we have and I’ve bought a name card for the birth announcement haha! I’ve heard people put you off names with horrible comments beforehand but after it’s too late. It happened to my friend and she actually changed her baby name! Also with my nosey picky MIL (who would definitely make a comment) she’s hating not knowing so that’s fun haha

We were so secretive with our first and didn't tell anyone! With this pregnancy I've been quite happy telling close friends/family if asked 💛 my mum didn't seem keen on the name we've chosen but I honestly couldn't care less 😅🤣 my toddlers name is Willow, and we are pretty decided to call our next baby (girl) Wren 💫

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