As someone who has struggled with infertility and had a miscarriage. Please send a text. Then they can process in private. There is nothing worse than trying to get out a congratulations when all you want to do is cry.
Just wanted to say thank you so much for considering your friend like this 💛 Definitely send a text so she can process the news alone and take the time she needs to reply. Acknowledge that your news will be difficult for her and take her lead on discussing it going forward x
This is so thoughtful 🩷 as someone who has been in your friends position (I had a miscarriage last year and my friend got pregnant a month after) just give her as much time as she needs to process the news, she will really appreciate it 🫶🏻 You’re a good friend for being so considerate already xx
Thank you all for your comments it’s really helpful and so sorry you have experienced losses, it’s such a cruel world ❤️ I definitely think I will text her instead of over the phone (we’re not nearby so wouldn’t have been face to face anyway) Now I’m overthinking when..! I didn’t want to do it at the weekend and ruin her weekend, do you think it’s too much to wait until my 20 week and then tell her? I don’t want her to think I’m avoiding her but it just feels so soon to what she’s been through ❤️
There's no right time, unfortunately. Maybe avoid working hours, where possible, but otherwise just let her know whenever you're ready too x
It’s really nice how your considering your friend but please don’t let it take away from your excitement of announcing it! all you can do is just be mindful and when your ready to tell her it might be nice to send a message telling her your news and that you are there for her and will support her. I must admit I don’t think I’d do it face to face just because she could be under pressure with her response but you could even mention that on the message that you wanted to tell her this way so hopefully it won’t be too overwhelming. Although understandably she will be sad for herself I’m sure if she’s a good friend she will be very happy for you!