@Laurence I was tracking ovulation this week as I usually ovulate 3 weeks into a cycle and couldn’t find it, must’ve ovulated the week after my period! I hope you’re lucky too! 🤍
Maybe take a digital to confirm with first pee tomorrow / day after? But looks like a faint line x
@Hannah a digital won’t detect it this early it needs higher levels of HCG, can’t wait to take a digital though! 🤣🙈
I can see the line! Hope it is 🤞🏻 I also had a miscarriage in January, that was my third loss in 12 months and I’m just so deflated at the moment, will be testing again next week and praying there’s a line 🙏🏻😭
@Rachel praying for you !🤍🤍
So I got another positive this morning but bleeding accompanied with it 🥺 hoping it’s not another loss.
Looks positive!! Congratulations! I also had a miscarriage in january. My period is in 6 days. I hope i’ll be as lucky as you this month. 🤍