Not dye stealing.. normal?

Hey I’ve seen lots of people mention dye stealing on positive tests, I was just wondering is this something that happens in every pregnancy that’s progressing normal? I’m 18 DPO and my progression just looks like this and isn’t getting LOADS darker each day it’s really subtle if anything at all If you have had a dye stealer and what DPO was it?? Sorry hope this isn’t too silly to ask I’ve just had 3 MC and so anxious about this pregnancy The image shows two tests per day, one in the AM and one in the PM starting from 13 DPO and today I haven’t taken the PM one yet.
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I don’t know if it happens in every pregnancy but that really good progression I wouldn’t get too obsessed with all these things you see everyone is so different! I know it’s hard not too!!like I’m still testing twice a day 🤦‍♀️ 😂

Honestly the anxiety is awful I’ve been fine all day but I picked up my washing basket and now I’m having mild cramping and I feel like I’m just convinced myself of things and it’s so stressful I just need to fast forward 2 months 😭

Hey mumma, firstly EVERYONE is different❤️I got my first dye stealer at 5+2 but I know some people who got theirs at 4+5!! That test progressing is absolutely beautiful, baby looks like they’re getting very comfy🥹🥹remember that tests are ultimately a yes or a no. You are definitely growing your baby right now which is so very incredible. I have been feeling this too and did some research on test anxiety…I’ll attach the screenshots that reassured me below. Got my fingers crossed very tightly for you but honestly that progression looks so good!🥰🥰xxx

Hello lovely, wowI’m so emotional this is literally making me tear up. If you can made a almost 30 YO woman feel better by being so positive you’ll be a beautiful mum yourself thank you 💜It’s such a helpless feeling isn’t it but thank you for your kind words it really does help, I m sorry to see on your profile you have had losses too 💜

I never got dye stealers with my son and he’s now 18mo🥰

Thank you so much. I’m so glad I could make you feel better, don’t be hard on yourself, you’re doing amazing! Message me anytime you need, stay positive and don’t expect for it to go the same as others, yours is beautifully different because it’s YOURS🩷🩷

I’ve had a dye stealer on first response and easy@home but not one step!

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