It is You sleep much comfortably with it I ordered mine very late at 3rd trimester It’s better to get it early
Yes. I have not stopped using it since I was pregnant with my first and he is now 2.5 years old 😅
I got mine in the first trimester but not acc used it until third trimester and it helps will supporting back and pelvis and rolling onto your back.
Yes it is! Well mine is a v shaped pillow which I use between my legs and really helps with hips, and I have a wedge pillow which now I'm 34 weeks I've been using for behind my back to also help prop me up
I have the Frida mom pillow from target. It takes up less Space and multifunctional also You can clean it very easily versus those bigs ones
I hated mine. It was a V-shaped one, but I didn't find it comfortable at all.
Yes! As you get to third trimester it’ll be such a relief in between your legs to support your hips / pelvis!
10000000%!! I loved mine and made sleeping so much more comfortable. I got one on Amazon for like £20 and it was the best money I spent. I put it in a storage bag and vacuumed the air out for storage afterwards. Still miss it since it went away 🥲
As everyone else says 1 million percent! I even had to buy my boyfriend one cos he loved mine so much!
Yes i love mine!! I opted for the one that just goes at your belly and back instead of the giant u shaped ones that you typically see
Yesss. Loved mine. I don’t think you need it really until 2nd trimester tbh but it really helps with your posture as you sleep. Helped my with lower back pain a lot! Also your sleeping position in the third trimester makes a difference if you want your baby to be turning.
I don’t like mine which a u-shape and find it gets in the way going to try a smaller. Mostly need raise my leg as wake up with leg pain otherwise
I didn’t like mine and still not using it at 33 weeks. I got the J shaped one from Momcozy so wouldn’t recommend that one. Others might be better though. It was really heavy and felt like it got in the way!
Never used one 🤷🏼♀️
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I got one and didn't like it at all, felt it was very annoying, then started to get lower back pain and used a normal pillow in between my knees and a more giant one in front of my stomach and this has helped a lot. I'm 15 weeks now, I feel I might get one later on if I feel I need it.
I’d say yes and no I got one given to me off my aunt in my second trimester and I used it every single day but as I was about to hit the 3rd trimester I was having trouble sleeping and once I took the pillow away I found it so much easier to get that sleep again
YES. I’m 26 weeks and it helps me stay on my side (rather than rolling onto my back in my sleep) and has been helping my glute/hip/leg pain in the night. I have the bbhugme one
Absolutely worth it, loved mine and couldn't have managed without it
I’ve had mine since around 15 weeks. At first it only helped to stop me from rolling onto my back because I found a normal pillow under my bump worked better but in the last few weeks (I’m now 38 weeks) It’s been worth its weight in gold in making sleeping comfortable. I’ve only just started getting uncomfortable though so I think most people use the pillow earlier than I have
Everyone is different. I was better without. However, I would 100% recommend Vinted for one. I got a dream genii that are great but 50 quid new. I paid 5! That way if you don't get on with it you haven't spent too much!
A big pillow is definitely worth it, but you don't have to spend extra money on a pregnancy specific pillow. Any "body" pillow helped me
Yes 💯
I have spd in pregnancy and if I sleep without my pillow im in so much pain. Didn’t pay expensive only off amazon. But it’s lasted two pregnancies!!
It’s worth a try!
Definitely worth it! Useful also if you want to breastfeed after!
I didn’t find it helpful at all. Just a waste of money. I tried two different types and ended up just using a pillow between my knees
I hated mine. It just seemed to get in the way. I just used a regular pillow under my bump and that was so much better for me
Yes it is!!
I enjoy mine got it cheap on Amazon the u shaped one! Got it later into the pregnancy but it helps me because I usually am a side sleeper but during week 20 I started waking up on my back in pain!
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Yes! And even for after you have the baby it comes in handy a lot
I have a long body pillow that i used even before and it was really useful. I still use it today.
I’m almost 12 weeks and I use my preggo pillow ever night. I used it even before I got pregnant but it make so much difference now. I can rest my belly on it and put it between my thighs and it aligns my hips and I swear I fall asleep so fast most nights.
Yeeesssss!!!! It was the best thing I never knew of needed
I bought the silentnight 4 in 1 pillow. I used it for pregnancy, and now im using it for breastfeeding and tummy time for baby. Definitely had my use out of £20. I've seen similar ones in tkmaxx since too
i personally didn’t use mine. it def can be comfy but i find it too big to be realistic for every night use. i ended up just putting a smaller pillow between my knees to help with the hip pain. they also have pillows for under your waist depending on if u side sleep! but if anyone wants a pregnancy id be happy to give mine since its just sitting in the closet now!
The one i got was way too big and wouldnt fit in the bed with my husband jn there too, so I didnt really use it. I found it easier to just bundle up the duvet and use that!
My pregnancy pillow changed my life, I was a stomach sleeper pre pregnancy and couldn't shake it, but also I have had terrible back pain from about 10 weeks (I'm 21 weeks now) so it helped massively with the pain in my back and hips too!
YES ! 💯 couldn’t have been without mine
Definitely worth it
Definitely worth it
I've got an S shape one and it's so good. Helps me keep on my side, which I otherwise find hard to do.
I got bought 2 different ones. They were so uncomfortable I never bothered with them. Came in handy if I put my son on the bed while I got dressed to stop him rolling off 😂
Yes I absolutely loved mine and would still use it now after having kids but it takes up so much room 😆