Pregnancy after D&C - bleeding

So I had a mmc late last year which ended in a D&C. I found out I’m pregnant again and currently 6 weeks. But for the last week I’ve had brown spotting/bleeding. I’m obviously terrified of another miscarriage, but I’ve read that a D&C can cause bleeding in future pregnancies, has anyone experienced this? I’m going for a scan on Tuesday but I’m just so petrified.
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Brown blood is old blood. I wouldn't be concerned unless it's red.

Did you have a period after your d&c? I would contact your EPU if you’re worried xx

Thank ladies. So it’s brown blood but surely that should’ve eased off by now? I had 1 period in Jan after the d&c. I was looking online and read bleeding rates can increase in future pregnancies afterwards, but nothing I read online reassures me 😩. I spoke to EPU and they said not to worry without bad cramping, but they want to see me Tuesday to check what’s happening. But it’s all just so triggering 🥺. I flip flop between assuring myself everything is okay, to then I’m having another miscarriage.

It isn’t always old. Just means it’s started to oxidise. I bled brown for a week but you’ve got your scan Tuesday try and not worry as difficult as that is. Xx

I had brown spotting for a few weeks from 7-9ish weeks. So worrying at the time but EPU said they weren't concerned. Currently 30 weeks and everything has been fine

Stressing out won’t make it any better. Just take deep breaths and have faith. I bled with my first pregnancy but had a Mc from a bike accident but definitely was normal to bleed 🩸

Oh that’s reassuring to know bleeding isn’t too uncommon, I just don’t feel it’s spoken about enough. Such a worrying symptom. Fingers crossed the scan tomorrow goes well and baby’s okay. Really appreciate you all taking the time to comment/share experiences 💕

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