I have just had a miscarriage and I have to same fear that I’ll get asked this especially with family and a lot of friends knowing I want more children! Following along incase anyone has any advice! X
Following. People are so rude and I'm in your shoes as we speak. I actually told someone who asked me if i was pregnant that i just had an mc and felt immediately guilty and mad about it. We shouldn't have to answer. I wish i would have said, "that's a very personal question and I would rather not answer it."
I can understand not wanting to talk about it. I tended to just tell people the truth. Maybe they'll think twice before asking someone else those questions in the future
Tbh I just say “ whatever is in gods plans for us “
If you really don’t want to talk about it you can just say, I hope we’ll have another someday and leave it at that. Answers their question honestly but doesn’t admit you’re already trying. For myself though if people want to ask personal questions they’re getting personal answers and if they end up feeling bad for asking then it’s a learning experience for them. Seriously though I think it’s good to talk openly about loss, difficulty trying to conceive, etc its so common and yet too many women are crying alone in the bathroom at work instead of getting some support or understanding. There’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s kind of a gift to open peoples awareness even if it’s to something sad. I also understand if you don’t want to take that on though or feel the need to keep your coworkers at arms length
@Jessica this is such a wonderful answer, thank you so much. I’ve definitely been open to my mom and close friends about it, I just had a hard time when it was obviously just small talk at work and I knew their intentions were good, I just didn’t want to open the whole can of worms
Usually I'm honest as agree its so common and should be talked about more but obviously that's awkward in some settings and I didn't tell people at work so sometimes instead I say 'its been a journey for us' so they realise its complex without me having to say the details. Sorry about your loss, say whatever feels right to you. Xxx
This happened to me a few weeks after my miscarriage and I just laughed it off and said “I dunno, we’ll see” then went and cried my eyes out in the toilets. The same person asks every time he sees me and I give the same response, he means nothing by it and would be mortified to know he upsets me but same as you, I don’t want to talk about it I don’t know why people think it’s ok to ask that question