7:30 milk 8:30 weetabix/ready brek with fruit 11:30 milk 12:30 lunch - can be anything 3:30 - milk 5 - snack 6:45 - bedtime milk Sometimes wakes around 5am for a bottle but not always
Mine does 7 milk 9 breakfast (yogurt , Wetabix or fruit) 10 milk 12 lunch (snack, cheese , veg crisp , egg muffin) 13 milk 16 dinner (usually what we are eating or mash veg) 17 milk 19 milk She sleeps through the night. She also always ate a lot.
Between 6.30-7am milk 8.30-9am breakfast 10.30-11am milk 12.30-1pm lunch/snacks 3-3.30 milk 5.30 dinner Bath, book 6.45 milk and sleep
Thank you all! I’m just finding it hard to establish a routine (of any kind) as soon as I think I did find one, it messes up! He’s normally waking up between 06:00 and 07:00 (if I’m lucky) and 2 wakes up at night (usually the first one at 23:00 and then anywhere between 02:00 and 04:00 and feed most of the time)! I was EBF for the first 6 months and now transitioned to combo feeding (luckily he doesn’t mind the formula and could drink anything although we are giving AR ones) He’s having milk bottle when he wakes up and then we just started introducing a proper breakfast with a little cup of milk (more for practicing) around one hour after the bottle, he would eventually nap (rarely goes over 40mins) and then have lunch (which I have now moved a bit later having breakfast too so it would be around 12:30/13:00), milk or fruit (depending on what’s given for breakfast and if he looks hungry) at around 15 and dinner at around 17:00/17:30, no longer giving a bottle before bed
….not giving the bottle before bed just to avoid sleep association (he would have normally fallen asleep on my breast, which sometimes still does for afternoon naps or night wakings) and would have a bottle at 23:00! I’m just so confuse, is he eating enough? Is he wasting too much? Breast is still on demand but way less, I feel it’s more for comfort now
@Ceri are you giving formula? How much does she take per feeds!? Mine could drink litres but will eventually be sick also has reflux which doesn’t help at all
@Marta yes she has Formula . Usually drinks 5/6oz a bottle or 150/180ml. But as I said she’s always had a big appetite. She’s 7 and a half month. She does also have 2 oz water with each meal. We do have to keep upright for half an hour or so after eating to stop her bringing it up.
7.15 milk then about 45mins later we do porridge or weetabix. 11.30 milk then food about an hour later. 2pm small milk feed 3.45pm milk then top up 5.30pm final day feed at 7pm. She's currently waking in the night for a feed or two.