Potty training before new sibling

Hello! 7 weeks left of second pregnancy and I have yet to potty train my 2 1/2 year old boy. I just read a book and it seems like he’s hitting marks on starting…he can follow simple commands, pull his trousers down by himself, hides to poo… do you think 7 weeks is a mistake to train before new baby or just one of those things I won’t know unless I try it? The book approach is ‘gentle potty training’. I honestly had no idea even how to begin. I’ve asked moms out and about and truthfully nothing has been particularly helpful. Thank you for taking time to respond.
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Wanted to note that I’ve read books with him about it and he seemed interested and I got him to sit diaperless on potty twice but nothing since then. I brought out the potty far in advance it seems as well. This method has you stay home and him be bare bottomed for first 2-3 days. That’s also stressing me a little because we have carpet but she suggest old shower curtains for the mess

My daughter is almost 2 but I think ready and I am expecting my second in about 10 weeks. We have a potty she loves to sit on and practice, we talk about it, read books, etc, but I decided to wait to do the 3 day intensive method until a little after the baby arrives. I’ve read doing it too soon before a big change can cause the child to “backslide” or go into old habits, all to have to redo it in the end. So slowly practicing now with no pressure and then in a couple of months we will do it morel officially when we are more settled PP.

You can always try and if it doesn't go well, try again later. I thought my oldest was ready, but as soon as we started he developed horrible night terrors! So we let go of it and started over a few months later.

From doing this twice here is the advice I would give: When anyone in the house has to go rub your bladder & tell him your body is telling you it's time to pee/poop in the potty. This will help them make the connection later. Have books and wipes in caddy next to the little potty and the big potty. The little potty is better for them when it comes to pooping. The little potty moved with us to every room till she knew her body Qs. It takes time for them to be able to tell you when so you have to be very vigilant about their signs(poop face, grabbing at crotch, potty dance, ect.) Don't make them sit on it cause they will rebel. Don't Ask them if they need to go till they can tell you they do. When you see the Qs tell them you can see that they need to go & go. We didn't use rewards just high fives and cheering them on which made them want to do it for themselves. We went and picked out decals for the toilet & little potty. They helped up put them on to make it more exciting.

When we would go we would let them flush & put the seat down and cheer us on. Accidents will happen and when they do just say that's not where pee/poop go. It's goes in the potty let's do better next time...no shame. We did go bottomless for a week. Being naked helps them feel & see what is happening so they can make the connection faster. Once you have no accidents for a day or two then you can introduce undies. I love the cotton training pants because they help catch the mess. They won't hold it for long but it's long enough to get to the potty before it's all over your floor. Night training is biology & every kid is different. Wet/dry bags & a foldable potty are a life saver for outings. It takes time & patience but it's a skill & they will get. If you start & it seems to be going wrong stop & wait a few weeks before you try again. Once the new baby comes there is always a possibility of a regression but it shouldn't last long. Remember You got his Mama 🩷

Well I’ll be honest my son hasn’t gone through potty training…however..my MIL has potty trained all the kids and grandbabies in her family (7 boys and 2 girls). Her method is to take them camping for a few days and let them be wild and butt naked lol she learns their potty and poo cues really fast plus there’s no crazy accidents cus well you’re outside lol 😂 we are planning to take our son to visit her and get potty trained this summer lol he will be 20 months old ..we will have a 2 month newborn at that time so hopefully she can get it figured out while we’re visiting 😂

I have 3 boys, my older two are now potty trained but while they were capable of doing certain things by two and a half I found it more of a fight at the end of the day. There is no harm in trying and see how it goes. But also, if he's struggling with it, then it's 100% ok to also take a break and let him be for awhile before trying again. (For the record my boys were 3.5 and 4 respectively, and when they were 100% ready it just clicked. There have been a few accidents here and there, but overall it wasn't terrible.)

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